# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Ruslan Krenzler. # Date: 16 December 2017 # Create a tee-fitting. # Version 0.1 import math from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import FreeCAD import Spreadsheet import Sketcher import Part document = App.activeDocument() tu = FreeCAD.Units.parseQuantity # The value RELATIVE_EPSILON is used to slightly change the size of a subtracted part # to prevent problems with boolean operations. # This value does not change the appearance of part and can be large. # If the original value is L then we often use the value L*(1+RELATIVE_EPSILON) instead. # The relative deviation is then (L*(1+RELATIVE_EPSILON)-L)/L = RELATIVE_EPSILON. # That is why the constant has "relative" in its name. RELATIVE_EPSILON = 0.1 NPS_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX = 0 NPS_SCHEDULE_COLUMN_INDEX = 1 NPS_OUTER_DIAMETER_COLUMN_INDEX = 2 NPS_INNER_DIAMETER_COLUMN_INDEX = 3 NPS_PVC_TABLE = [ ['1/8"', 40, 0.405,0.249,0.068,0.051,810], ['1/4"', 40, 0.540,0.344,0.088, 0.086, 780], ['3/8"', 40, 0.675, 0.473, 0.091, 0.115, 620], ['1/2"', 40, 0.840, 0.602, 0.109, 0.170, 600], ['3/4"', 40, 1.050, 0.804, 0.113, 0.226, 480], ['1"', 40, 1.315, 1.029, 0.133, 0.333, 450], ['1-1/4"', 40, 1.660, 1.360, 0.140, 0.450, 370], ['1-1/2"', 40, 1.900, 1.590, 0.145, 0.537, 330], ['2"', 40, 2.375, 2.047, 0.154, 0.720, 280], ['2-1/2"', 40, 2.875, 2.445, 0.203, 1.136, 300], ['3"', 40, 3.500, 3.042, 0.216, 1.488, 260], ['3-1/2"', 40, 4.000, 3.521, 0.226, 1.789, 240], ['4"', 40, 4.500, 3.998, 0.237, 2.118, 220], ['5"', 40, 5.563, 5.016, 0.258, 2.874, 190], ['6"', 40, 6.625, 6.031, 0.280, 3.733, 180], ['8"', 40, 8.625, 7.942, 0.322, 5.619, 160], ['10"', 40, 10.750, 9.976, 0.365, 7.966, 140], ['12"', 40, 12.750, 11.889, 0.406, 10.534, 130], ['1/8"',80, .405, .195, 0.095, 0.063, 1230], ['1/4"',80, .540, .282, 0.119, 0.105, 1130], ['3/8"',80, .675, .403, 0.126, 0.146, 920], ['1/2"',80, .840, .526, 0.147, 0.213, 850], ['3/4"',80, 1.050, .722, 0.154, 0.289, 690], ['1"',80, 1.315, .936, 0.179, 0.424, 630], ['1-1/4"',80, 1.660, 1.255, 0.191, 0.586, 520], ['1-1/2"',80, 1.900, 1.476, 0.200, 0.711, 470], ['2"',80, 2.375,1.913, 0.218, 0.984, 400], ['2-1/2"',80, 2.875, 2.290, 0.276, 1.500, 420], ['3"',80, 3.500, 2.864, 0.300, 2.010, 370], ['3-1/2"',80, 4.000, 3.326, 0.318, 2.452, 350], ['4"',80, 4.500, 3.786, 0.337, 2.938, 320], ['5"',80, 5.563, 4.768, 0.375, 4.078, 290], ['6"',80, 6.625, 5.709, 0.432, 5.610, 280], ['8"',80, 8.625, 7.565, 0.500, 8.522, 250], ['10"',80, 10.750, 9.493, 0.593, 12.635, 230], ['12"',80 ,12.750, 11.294, 0.687, 17.384, 230]] TEE_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX = 0 TEE_PIPE_SIZE_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX = 1 TEE_SCHEDULE_COLUMN_INDEX = 2 TEE_G_COLUMN_INDEX = 3 TEE_G1_COLUMN_INDEX = 4 TEE_H_COLUMN_INDEX = 5 TEE_H1_COLUMN_INDEX = 6 TEE_L_COLUMN_INDEX = 7 TEE_M_COLUMN_INDEX = 8 TEE_WEIGHT_COLUMN_INDEX = 9 # LBS, Not used now # The headers are used by the GUI. TEE_TABLE_HEADERS =["Part name", "Size", "Schedule", "G", "G1", "H", "H1", "M", "Weights LBS"] TEE_TABLE = [['401-003', '3/8"', 40, 3/8.0, 3/8.0, 1+1/8.0, 1+1/8.0, 2+1/4.0, 31/32.0, .04], ['401-005', '1/2"', 40, 1/2.0, 1/2.0, 1+1/4.0, 1+1/4.0, 2+1/2.0, 1+3/32.0, .06], ['401-007', '3/4"', 40, 9/16.0, 9/16.0, 1+9/16.0, 1+9/16.0, 3+1/8.0, 1+5/16.0, .10], ['401-010', '1"', 40, 11/16.0, 11/16.0, 1+3/4.0, 1+3/4.0, 3+1/2.0, 1+5/8.0, .16], ['401-012', '1-1/4"', 40, 7/8.0, 7/8.0, 2+1/8.0, 2+1/8.0, 4+1/4.0, 2, .25], ['401-015', '1-1/2"', 40, 1+1/16.0, 1+1/16.0, 2+3/8.0, 2+3/8.0, 4+3/4.0, 2+1/4.0, .33], ['401-020', '2"', 40, 1+3/8.0, 1+3/8.0, 2+3/4.0, 2+3/4.0, 5+1/2.0, 2+3/4.0, .51], ['401-025', '2-1/2"', 40, 1+21/32.0, 1+21/32.0, 3+13/32.0, 3+13/32.0, 6+13/16.0, 3+11/32.0, 1.03], ['401-030', '3"', 40, 1+15/16.0, 1+15/16.0, 3+27/32.0, 3+27/32.0, 7+11/16.0, 4, 1.43], ['401-040', '4"', 40, 2+13/32.0, 2+13/32.0, 4+7/16.0, 4+7/16.0, 8+7/8.0, 5+1/32.0, 2.22], ['401-050', '5"', 40, 3, 3, 6, 6, 12, 6+5/32.0, 4.59], ['401-060', '6"', 40, 3+5/8.0, 3+5/8.0, 6+21/32.0, 6+21/32.0, 13+5/16.0, 7+9/32.0, 6.00], ['401-080', '8"', 40, 4+1/2.0, 4+1/2.0, 8+17/32.0, 8+17/32.0, 17+1/16.0, 9+3/8.0, 11.81], ['401-100', '10"', 40, 5+13/16.0, 5+13/16.0, 10+27/32.0, 10+27/32.0, 21+11/16.0, 11+21/32.0, 24.25], ['401-100F', '10"', 40, 9+7/8.0, 9+3/8.0, 15+1/8.0, 14+5/8.0, 30+1/4.0, 11+1/2.0, 36.21], ['401-120', '12"', 40, 6+27/32.0, 6+27/32.0, 12+27/32.0, 12+27/32.0, 25+11/16.0, 13+3/4.0, 37.94], ['401-120F', '12"', 40, 10+3/4.0, 10+3/16.0, 17, 16+7/16.0, 34, 13+9/16.0, 56.32], # For following lines there are no pipe dimensions. #['401-140', '14"', 40, 7+1/32.0, 7+1/32.0, 14+7/32.0, 14+1/32.0, 28+7/16.0, 15+21/32.0, 64.02], #['401-140F', '14"', 40, 11+3/8.0, 11, 18+3/8.0, 18, 36+3/4.0, 14+7/8.0, 75.11], #['401-160F', '16"', 40, 15, 12+7/8.0, 23, 20+7/8.0, 46, 17, 111.00], #['401-180F', '18"', 40, 15+7/8.0, 13+3/8.0, 24+7/8.0, 22+3/8.0, 49+3/4.0, 19+1/8.0, 151.26], #['401-200F', '20"', 40, 18+1/4.0, 15+1/2.0, 28+1/4.0, 25+1/2.0, 56+1/2.0, 21+3/16.0, 206.74], #['401-240F', '24"', 40, 21+1/8.0, 17+1/2.0, 33+1/8.0, 29+1/2.0, 66+1/4.0, 25+3/8.0, 337.03], ['801-002', '1/4"', 80, 5/16.0, 5/16.0, 31/32.0, 31/32.0, 1+15/16.0, 27/32.0, .04], ['801-003', '3/8"', 80, 15/32.0, 15/32.0, 1+1/4.0, 1+1/4.0, 2+1/2.0, 31/32.0, .06], ['801-005', '1/2"', 80, 19/32.0, 19/32.0, 1+15/32.0, 1+15/32.0, 2+15/16.0, 1+3/16.0, .11], ['801-007', '3/4"', 80, 21/32.0, 21/32.0, 1+11/16.0, 1+11/16.0, 3+13/32.0, 1+13/32.0, .16], ['801-010', '1"', 80, 7/8.0, 7/8.0, 2, 2, 4, 1+3/4.0, .27], ['801-012', '1-1/4"', 80, 1+1/32.0, 1+1/32.0, 2+9/32.0, 2+9/32.0, 4+19/32.0, 2+3/32.0, .39], ['801-015', '1-1/2"', 80, 1+3/16.0, 1+3/16.0, 2+9/32.0, 2+9/32.0, 5+1/8.0, 2+3/8.0, .52], ['801-020', '2"', 80, 1+7/16.0, 1+7/16.0, 2+15/16.0, 2+15/16.0, 5+7/8.0, 2+7/8.0, .80], ['801-025', '2-1/2"', 80, 1+3/4.0, 1+3/4.0, 3+1/2.0, 3+1/2.0, 7+1/32.0, 3+15/32.0, 1.46], ['801-030', '3"', 80, 2+1/16.0, 2+1/16.0, 3+31/32.0, 3+31/32.0, 7+15/16.0, 4+5/32.0, 2.16], ['801-040', '4"', 80, 2+1/2.0, 2+1/2.0, 4+3/4.0, 4+3/4.0, 9+1/2.0, 5+1/4.0, 3.52], ['801-050', '5"', 80, 3+1/8.0, 3+1/8.0, 5+25/32.0, 5+25/32.0, 11+5/8.0, 6+13/32.0, 6.03], ['801-050F', '5"', 80, 5+1/2.0, 5+1/2.0, 8+1/2.0, 8+1/2.0, 17, 6+5/16.0, 13.26], ['801-060', '6"', 80, 3+25/32.0, 3+25/32.0, 6+13/16.0, 6+13/16.0, 13+5/8.0, 7+5/8.0, 10.78], ['801-080', '8"', 80, 4+13/16.0, 4+13/16.0, 8+7/8.0, 8+7/8.0, 17+3/4.0, 9+23/32.0, 21.21], ['801-080F', '8"', 80, 7+5/8.0, 7+5/8.0, 11+7/8.0, 11+7/8.0, 23+3/4.0, 9+5/8.0, 22.84], ['801-100', '10"', 80, 5+15/16.0, 5+29/32.0, 10+29/32.0, 10+29/32.0, 21+13/16.0, 12+13/16.0, 35.83], ['801-100F', '10"', 80, 9, 9, 14+1/4.0, 14+1/4.0, 28+1/2.0, 11+15/16.0, 39.82], ['801-120', '12"', 80, 6+15/16.0, 6+15/16.0, 12+15/16.0, 12+15/16.0, 25+7/8.0, 14+1/4.0, 54.45], ['801-120F', '12"', 80, 11+1/4.0, 11+1/4.0, 17+1/2.0, 17+1/2.0, 35, 14+1/8.0, 67.13]] # For following lines there are no pipe dimensions. #['801-140', '14"', 80, 7+1/32.0, 7+1/32.0, 14+7/32.0, 14+1/32.0, 28+7/16.0, 15+21/32.0, 63.61], #['801-140F', '14"', 80, 12+1/4.0, 12+1/4.0, 19+1/4.0, 19+1/4.0, 38+1/2.0, 15+1/2.0, 103.37], #['801-160F', '16"', 80, 13, 13, 21, 21, 42, 17+11/16.0, 144.87], #['801-180F', '18"', 80, 13+3/4.0, 13+3/4.0, 22+3/4.0, 22+3/4.0, 45+1/2.0, 19+7/8.0, 182.75], #['801-200F', '20"', 80, 16+3/8.0, 16+3/8.0, 26+3/8.0, 26+3/8.0, 52+3/4.0, 22+1/16.0, 284.24], #['801-240F', '24"', 80, 20+1/4.0, 20+1/4.0, 32+1/4.0, 32+1/4.0, 64+1/2.0, 26+7/16.0, 335.00]] class Tee: def __init__(self, document): self.document = document # fill data with test values self.G = tu("3/8 in") self.G1 = tu("3/8 in") self.H = tu("1+1/8 in") # It is L/2 for symetrical Tee. Why extra dimension? self.H1 = tu("1+1/8 in") self.L = tu("2+1/4 in") self.M = tu("31/32 in") self.innerD = tu("0.473 in") self.socketD = tu("0.675 in") @staticmethod def toSolid(document, part, name): """Convert object to a solid. Basically those are commands, which FreeCAD runs when user converts a part to a solid. """ s = part.Shape.Faces s = Part.Solid(Part.Shell(s)) o = document.addObject("Part::Feature", name) o.Label=name o.Shape=s return o @staticmethod def NestedObjects(group): res = [] if group.OutList == []: res.append(group) else: # Append children first. for o in group.OutList: res += Tee.NestedObjects(o) res.append(group) return res def create(self, convertToSolid): vertical_outer_cylinder = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","VerticalOuterCynlider") vertical_outer_cylinder.Radius = self.M/2 vertical_outer_cylinder.Height = self.H1 vertical_inner_cylinder = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","VerticalInnerCynlider") vertical_inner_cylinder.Radius = self.innerD/2 vertical_inner_cylinder.Height =self.H1 * (1+RELATIVE_EPSILON) horizontal_outer_cylinder = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","HorizontalOuterCynlider") horizontal_outer_cylinder.Radius = self.M/2 horizontal_outer_cylinder.Height = self.L # I do not understand the logic here. Why when I use GUI the vector is App.Vector(0,0,-L/2) # and with the macros it is App.Vector(-L/2,0,0). Differne systems? horizontal_outer_cylinder.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(-horizontal_outer_cylinder.Height/2,0,0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,1,0),90), App.Vector(0,0,0)) horizontal_inner_cylinder = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","HorizontalInnerCynlider") horizontal_inner_cylinder.Radius = self.innerD/2 horizontal_inner_cylinder.Height = self.L*(1+2*RELATIVE_EPSILON) horizontal_inner_cylinder.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(-horizontal_inner_cylinder.Height/2,0,0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,1,0),90), App.Vector(0,0,0)) # Fuse outer parts to a tee, fuse inner parts to a tee, substract both parts outer_fusion = self.document.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","OuterTeeFusion") outer_fusion.Shapes = [vertical_outer_cylinder,horizontal_outer_cylinder] inner_fusion = self.document.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","InnerTeeFusion") inner_fusion.Shapes = [vertical_inner_cylinder,horizontal_inner_cylinder] basic_tee = self.document.addObject("Part::Cut","Cut") basic_tee.Base = outer_fusion basic_tee.Tool = inner_fusion # Remove place for suckets socket_left = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","SocketLeft") socket_left.Radius = self.socketD /2 socket_left.Height = (self.L/2 - self.G)*(1+RELATIVE_EPSILON) socket_left.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(-socket_left.Height - self.G,0,0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,1,0),90), App.Vector(0,0,0)) socket_right = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","SocketRight") socket_right.Radius = self.socketD /2 socket_right.Height = (self.L/2 - self.G)*(1+RELATIVE_EPSILON) socket_right.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(self.G,0,0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,1,0),90), App.Vector(0,0,0)) socket_top = self.document.addObject("Part::Cylinder","SocketTop") socket_top.Radius = self.socketD /2 socket_top.Height = (self.H1 - self.G1)*(1+RELATIVE_EPSILON) socket_top.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,self.G1), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,1,0),0), App.Vector(0,0,0)) sockets_fusion = self.document.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","Sockets") sockets_fusion.Shapes = [socket_left,socket_right,socket_top] #document.recompute() # remove sockets from the basic tee tee = self.document.addObject("Part::Cut","Tee") tee.Base = basic_tee tee.Tool = sockets_fusion if convertToSolid: # Before making a solid recompute documents. Otherwise there will be # s = Part.Solid(Part.Shell(s)) # : Shape is null # exception. document.recompute() # Now convert all parts to solid, and remove intermediate data. solid = self.toSolid(document, tee, "tee (solid)") # Remove previous (intermediate parts). parts = Tee.NestedObjects(tee) # Document.removeObjects can remove multple objects, when we use # parts directly. To prevent exceptions with deleted objects, # use the name list instead. names_to_remove = [] for part in parts: if part.Name not in names_to_remove: names_to_remove.append(part.Name) for name in names_to_remove: print("Deleting temporary objects %s."%name) document.removeObject(name) return solid return tee # Create a part following from the dimensions from NPS_PVC_TABLE and TEE_TABLE. class TeeFromTable: def __init__ (self, document): self.document = document @staticmethod def findPipeDimensions(npsPipeSizeName, schedule): """Returns single row or None""" for row in NPS_PVC_TABLE: if row[NPS_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX]==npsPipeSizeName and row[NPS_SCHEDULE_COLUMN_INDEX]==schedule: return row return None @staticmethod def findPart(partName): for row in TEE_TABLE: if row[TEE_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX]==partName: return row return row def create(self, partName, convertToSolid = True): tee = Tee(self.document) row = TeeFromTable.findPart(partName) if row is None: print("Part not found") return tee.G = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_G_COLUMN_INDEX]) tee.G1 = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_G1_COLUMN_INDEX]) tee.H = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_H_COLUMN_INDEX]) # It is L/2 for symetrical Tee. Why extra dimension? tee.H1 = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_H1_COLUMN_INDEX]) tee.L = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_L_COLUMN_INDEX]) tee.M = tu("%f in"%row[TEE_M_COLUMN_INDEX]) # get pipe dimensions pipe_dims =TeeFromTable.findPipeDimensions(row[TEE_PIPE_SIZE_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX],row[TEE_SCHEDULE_COLUMN_INDEX]) if pipe_dims is None: print("No pipe dimensions found") return tee.socketD = tu("%f in"%pipe_dims[NPS_OUTER_DIAMETER_COLUMN_INDEX]) tee.innerD = tu("%f in"%pipe_dims[NPS_INNER_DIAMETER_COLUMN_INDEX]) return tee.create(convertToSolid) class PartTableModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self, parent=None, *args): QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent, *args) def rowCount(self, parent): return len(TEE_TABLE) def columnCount(self, parent): return len(TEE_TABLE_HEADERS) def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): #return QtCore.QVariant() return None elif role != QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: #return QtCore.QVariant() return None #return QtCore.QVariant(ELBOW_90_TABLE[index.row()][index.column()]) return TEE_TABLE[index.row()][index.column()] def getPartName(self, rowIndex): return TEE_TABLE_HEADERS[rowIndex][0] def headerData(self, col, orientation, role): if orientation ==QtCore. Qt.Horizontal and role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: return TEE_TABLE_HEADERS[col] return None class GuiTee(QtGui.QDialog): """Return index of the row in the NPC_PVC library. Return -1 if nothing is selected. """ def __init__(self): super(GuiTee, self).__init__() self.initUi() def initUi(self): Dialog = self # Added self.result = -1 self.setupUi(self) # Fill table with dimensions. self.initTable() self.show() # The next lines are from QtDesigner .ui-file processed by pyside-uic # pyside-uic --indent=0 ycreate-tee.ui -o tmp.py def setupUi(self, Dialog): # This code is from tmp.py. Dialog.setObjectName("Dialog") Dialog.resize(619, 277) self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(Dialog) self.buttonBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 240, 301, 32)) self.buttonBox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.buttonBox.setObjectName("buttonBox") self.tableViewParts = QtGui.QTableView(Dialog) self.tableViewParts.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 40, 601, 192)) self.tableViewParts.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.tableViewParts.setSelectionBehavior(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.tableViewParts.setObjectName("tableViewParts") self.checkBoxCreateSolid = QtGui.QCheckBox(Dialog) self.checkBoxCreateSolid.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 171, 22)) self.checkBoxCreateSolid.setChecked(True) self.checkBoxCreateSolid.setObjectName("checkBoxCreateSolid") self.retranslateUi(Dialog) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), Dialog.accept) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), Dialog.reject) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): # Add data from tmp.py here. Dialog.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Create Tee", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.checkBoxCreateSolid.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Create Solid", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) def initTable(self): model = PartTableModel() self.tableViewParts.setModel(model) def getSelectedName(self): sel = form.tableViewParts.selectionModel() if sel.isSelected: if len(sel.selectedRows())> 0: rowIndex = sel.selectedRows()[0].row() #return model.getPartName(rowIndex) # This does not work. Why? return TEE_TABLE_HEADERS[rowIndex][0] return None def accept(self): """User clicked OK""" # Get suitable row from the the table. partName = self.getSelectedName() createSolid = self.checkBoxCreateSolid.isChecked() if partName is not None: #self.storeInput() tee = TeeFromTable(document) tee.create(partName, createSolid) document.recompute() # Call parent class. super(GuiTee, self).accept() else: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Select part") msgBox.exec_() # Create all objects from the TEE_TABLE to test parameters. def TestTable(): tee = TeeFromTable(document) for row in TEE_TABLE: partName = row[TEE_NAME_COLUMN_INDEX] print("Creating part %s",partName) tee.create(partName, True) document.recompute() #TestTable() form = GuiTee() document.recompute()