Automatic Faucet Controll

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  • The automation of faucets and showers etc
  • Reduces Water Waste
  • This page also groups alternative buttons/valves in here for convience sake



  • Various sensors such as Ultrasonic Distance Sensors and VERY basic LIDAR/TOF sensors can detect hand/object prescence
  • Some models also utilize a bump sensor (perhaps a load cell?) to allow bump muting and unmuting of flow


  • Auto turn off after a certain amount of time

Alternate buttons

  • Some RV and Boat Sinks use a foot pump
  • This keeps hands free
  • This could be adapted to a physical valve, or button in a logic circut (Only unmutes flow, faucet must be on, and used to select flow)
  • Thus it allows for the user to stop and start flow without using hands (due to dirt, soap, or holding of object such as cooking pot ect)
  • A Shower "Pause" button may be of use for stopping water when "standing out of the way" ocassionally
  • A Seperate temperature and flow control for sinks and showers may also reduce the waste from "testing" the water temperature (Making a notch/paint mark at the preffered spot of the knob is a very low tech way to do this as well)
  • A Press lever below the spout for water (more contact points so more possibility for disease spread in high traffic areas perhaps?)


  • MUCH more gimicky and complex
  • SOME uses make sense such as dispensing a certain amount of water for filling applications, thus removing waste from dumping water after overshooting a volume, this also has a convienence factor
  • This may be more useful for devices such as water dispensers (either standalone, or in a culinary refrigerator)
  • A lab water dispenser/faucet may also be such a use case

Off the shelf units

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Standalone units

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