Global Witness
(Redirected from Charmain Gooch)
Skoll Award recipient.
Eric's Related Bit
- So i was in this club in high school, where we went to UNF (a small-ish local university) and saw sort of tedx talks
- One of the people was Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza
- They were poisioned MULTIPLE TIMES by Russia, yet is still advocating for democracy there, very intresting story
- Anyways relevant bit was them saying (loose paraphrase):
- Rather than do sanctions, or blame the entirety of the country, make it near impossible for the rich to buy superyachts, bank internationally, dock anywhere, travel etc
- Almost sanctions against the confirmed corrupt
- With the video talking about the corrupt, and their enablers, being more behind many of the issues than the people/government