H-CNG Gaseous Fuel Blend
(Redirected from HCNG)
- Often Shortened to HCNG
- A Compressed Mixture of Compressed Hydrogen Gas and CNG / Methane
- Allows hydrogen to be used, but doesn't have as much of the energy density issues
- Seems India is looking into this for transport
- They supposedly also use lots of CNG for busses etc?
- Need to look into India for more for specifics
- Many sources say it reduces CO1 emissions, but is this due to higher temperature?
- Also does this fuel increase NOx emissions?
- Granted this would all be pre-exhaust treatment
To Do
- Find Out:
- How well does it store? (does the hydrogen diffuse out/embrittle the tanks? Are special tanks needed? What Pressure? etc)
- What Modifications are needed for use in engines?
- Any benefits over CNG ?
- What range of mix ratios can be used? 50%-50%, 25%-75% etc)
- Any sensors for gas composition coming out of the tank needed/useful
- Combustion Characteristics