Dev Team Involvement Email

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Are you working on an open hardware project or would you like to work on one?

To collaborate on an open hardware project, the first thing is declaring an OSHWA compliant open hardware license.

The second step is to join our Dev team.

The Dev Team works on projects collaboratively, with a 10 hour per week requirement for a 90 day duration. You would have to work in FreeCAD:


and follow OSE Specifications

The main parts of OSE Spec are modularity:

and scalability,

which allows for a Construction Set Approach:

The design you make must fit in the rest of the OSE product ecology:

The steps we take follow our general Development Template:

The main perfomance indicator is how many reusable part libraries you generate for your project:

This means CAD files of parts and assemblies in FreeCAD. For electronics - this means part libraries consisting of single or multiple components with wiring connections included. Both of these are intended to be merged or imported into larger assemblies.

The goal for making this contribute to OSE is to keep in mind how your project would feed other OSE projects in terms of interchangeable components or common build techniques - and how OSE techniques and part libraries feed into your design.

With this said - can you join the Dev Team for a 90 day period? The goal would be to generatete one library part per week, so we build up to a construction set. With construction sets generated, we can create design guides for building variations of a product, and then we create FreeCAD macros and workbenches that can help others design with our construction set more effectively.

Thanks, Marcin