RTK Satellite Navigation
(Redirected from RTK)
- An Abbreviation for Real Time Kinematic Satellite Navigation
- Essentially Satellite Navigation but more precise
- This is done via a basestation sending correction data to the moving componet, known as the "rover unit"
- Many rovers can use one base station See this post on how to do this effectively
- All in all this can produce anywhere from centimeter to single didgit milimeter accuracy depending the setup
- VERY useful for RC and Autonomous Vehicle Applications
- Also used for surveying
- Basestations can be a service for larger scale, or purchased/built and placed/operated by the user
- Sparkfun makes 2 board capable of RTK
- The SparkFun GPS-RTK Board - NEO-M8P-2 (Qwiic)
- and The SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P (Qwiic)
OSE Versions
OSE Devices for RTK
- Open Source RTK SATNAV Base Station
- Open Source RTK SATNAV Reciever Unit (A module for easy addition to projects)