Seed Eco-Home Program Price Benchmarking
(Redirected from Summer X Price Benchmarking)
- Hackathon tiers - august. Connected to 3 month, 14 day and 5 day training. Need publisher to get involved.
- Summer X- same as last year. Month and 3 month.
- 3 month program for builders. Prereq for OSE Fellows Track.
- 14 day program - Sept only
- 5 day program - Sept only. same as former 5 day program, $50 higher. Add modular aquaponic greenhouse.
- Support package - $10k nominal. Real costs - Training - $2k materials/24 people, housing is 1 month (assumes 2 sessions) for $1k dedicated space, Food is $200, instructors is 1:12 or $660. Build package prep - $1k. Remote quality control - $1k. Tech support - $1k. Total costs are $7k, ubu
- Mentorship
- Apprenticeship - Starts in Sept, but can come 1 month early.
- Hack Your Eduction Immersion for Transformative Development - $10.5k/year at the college level. Irresistable offer. Tuition at Mizzou is - In-state tuition 10,477 USD, Out-of-state tuition 28,348 USD
- Enterprise Track - 3 months - add $3500 on top of the OSE - 60 sessions.
- Jeff Higdon - tractor, power cubes
- Tom - power cubes, tractor
- Jessica, Gary - House hands-on
- Chris, Michel - 3D printing, CNC platforms. CNC grinders and reciprocating saws, CNC torch, 1" uni axis, large printer, shredder/filamenter