Tool Share

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  • The local sharing of tools
  • Can be as simple as letting a neighbor use a large ladder you have, or as complex as a central location with storage and inventory and in/out logs
  • "Tool Library" may be a more marketable term for the centralized version
  • App/website could then be called tool share (sounds similar to Skillshare etc)

OSE Work


  • Find an existing OS tool and/or Rally people to make an app/website


  • Part of the OSEH concept
  • Uses the above software and/or paper/computer logs to keep track of who's tools are used when and by who
  • Works as follows:
    • An area is dedicated as the "hub" (essentially any community center, community garden, or makerspace
    • Ads/PSA's etc are sent out, and perhaps contacts to know makers/people with lots of "stuff"
    • People who want "in" make an account with:
      • Name
      • Contact Info
      • and Available "Stuff"
      • could also do optional anonymous id if they are into that)
    • People also do this if they are just checking out some equipment
    • People who donate are given an engraved/miled tag etc on the device itself, and some sort of brick/plaqe decoration on some "wall of donors" type thing
    • Then the system starts "working" essentially just like a library, but with tools and equipment instead of books; a few copies of each, loaned for free for a decent amount of time, late fees if hoarded

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