The general guidelines for pay are as follows, though this may depend on details. We are hiring at $37.50 for people who can do the build the following Seed Eco-Home 2 details, using their own skill and recruiting an unskilled assistant. In order to do this, the apprentice can use build cheatsheets from OSE. This means that a person is effectively capable of building an entire house from available materials - every single step including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, and PV.
For unskilled builders who cannot read plans or cheatsheets, but can follow directions in building as an assitant - OSE can pay $15-25 depending on their proficiency. First time builders may earn $15, while people who can work 2x as fast can earn about $25.
The designer track is a level above this, and includes ability to build and organize/source materials. This includes extracting complete BOMs from FreeCAD, generating purchase orders, and submitting complete building packages to the building department at the plan check phase of a build.
The enterprise track means that a person learns to run crews. Typically, this means that the person can recruit workers, have them show up, order materials to a site, work with a client to assess their needs, collaborate with the design team or draw up build documents themselves, rent equipment and supplies such as skid loader, gravel, and concrete. And negotiate with the client and building officials - knowing how to approach and satisfy both the client and the building officials.
The executive track means that the person creates build events from scratch, and is responsible for deciding on the number and location of builds in a given time frame, in collaboration with the OSE operations officer.
Builder Skill
See Seed Eco-Home Builder Skill
Quality Control
There are specific quality control steps associated with the build of each of the above - including:
- Module composition to assure all necessary parts and detail is included
- Tolerances - size, weight, dimensions, moisture content
- Damage - cracks, scratches, and material imperfection allowances, breakages and repair during construction
- Drainage slopes - roof, piping, etc.
- Wire gauges
- Materials thickness gauges
- Pipe size
- Local code variations
- IRC requirements
- Colors
- Straightness
- Level and plumb
- Offset limits
- Material choices if substitutions are made
- Tightness of fit
- Fastener schedules
- Procedural correctness for time efficiency
- Build time
- Persons per task
- Material cost
- Sequencing of finished build procedure
- Sequencing of module assembly
- Labor cost control
- Build Schedule control