100 Km Fiber Link Design
Here is a reference design for building a fber optic data connection between 2 points using available equipment, and costs involved. We start with components, then materials and equipment BOM.
- Boring and trenching - directional boring machine and trenchers. Boring machine for going under roads and crossings. Trenching fr straight through distances.
- Fiber optic cable
- Splices
- Cable splicer device
- Modem on each side
- Fiber modem to finer connection for further extension
- Electrical Conduit
- Breakout/Matinence Boxes
Notes and Questions
- Optical modem is installed at home location to take fiber and convert it to copper [1]
- Can optical fiber be used to connect to an optical modem? Ie, are there modems that allow fiber to fiber connection?
- How to convert a single connection to a wireless access point?
- Router - takes packets of data and sends them where needed. Packets have addresses. Router reads addresses and that's how it knows where to send data next. [2]
- LAN port - Ethernet port
- Modem - connects to internet backbone. Router - connects to computers.
- Hub vs switch - hub is a splitter or broadcaster. A switch is more efficient, it only community icates between select devices.
- Switch forwards layer 2 data on network devices of OSI model. [3]
- OSI model - going from a router to a distant point lies on layer 2, data layer, of OSI Model - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model. Itay be possible to go to the modem or the router to make the appropriate connection.