2017 Reading List

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Batch 2

  1. The All-Day Energy Diet - [1]
  2. Clarity - [2]
  3. Rocket Fuel - [3]
  4. Living the 80/20 Way - [4]
  5. The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem - [5]
  1. Dead Aid - [6]
  2. Awaken the Giant Within - [7]
  3. Unlimited Power - [8]
  4. Money: Master the Game - [9]

Batch 1

  1. Scaling Up - [10]
  2. Hooked - [11]
  3. Less Doing, More Living - [12]
  4. Now, Build a Great Business - [13]
  5. The 4 Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss - [14]
  6. Good Night - [15]
  7. The Power of When - determining your chronotype - [16]
  8. No Grain, No Pain - [17]
  9. The Great Pain Deception - [18]
  10. The 4 Hour Body - Tim Ferriss - [19]
  11. Good to Great - [20]
  12. Topgrading - [21]