3dprinter training

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We have now a working 3D Printer once again at the hablab! The model is A0-101. User:Samthetechie (Samuel Carlisle) is currently the maintainer for this equipment as per Equipment/Lulzbot_a0_101


Training will include;

  • slicing settings in Slic3r for different filaments
  • slicing an STL to make GCode
  • loading a GCode file into Pronteface
  • preparing the printer
  • printing
  • tidying up afterwards


Wednesday 27th November 20:00. Please add your name to the list if interested.

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.

Sunday 24th November 20:00. Please add your name to the list if interested.

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.