AbeAnd Logs 2016

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Tues Nov 29, 2016

I have been considering ideal design and usage of spreadsheets in a collaborative environment while working out my curiosities on a CEB earth sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14LRmlsePjRLDhC4OhC3mYoErsFMjeaWn-XnX25_X6AY/edit#gid=0 and starting a thermal physics sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uwa5G5PYbnhBt1u7NTt3JI4Bg6iVE3l-UxDh3bXxPGE/edit#gid=0 . Perhaps gdocs are a bit limited or different from what I sheets I learned years ago, but it looks like more advanced scripting or db type functions are required to make nice sheets with drop down menus for user selection from lists like I wanted in the thermal physics sheet. I want to make them multipurpose, easy for anyone to use and edit, but so far this seems to add more complexity than ideal. I will just have to test a couple methods and see what is best.

Had some issues doing tutorials with FreeCAD, but I am moving up in complexity. From what I get so far the software is not as'smart' as some packages like sketchup, but needs more user created macros or scripts, but that lends it versatility. I think I can do simple parts easily enough now. So I need to figure out some ideally simple scalable universal parts I can add to the Part Library. I still need to learn better workflow, between all the benches there are some many possible options to get lost in. So far it also feels slower than using sketchup.

Spent a few hours just reading up on the wiki this evening.

I received a 2nd draft from Peter Cowman of his proposed Design Programme for building. I was thinking I could just embed a PDF, but it that feature is not installed so I'll just convert to a .gdoc. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_pyTit4JelUT25heGNxZ1FBMTY4dkU2RHlQY1dnbFgxaHdR

Thurs Nov 17, 2016

I am expanding and refining the earth estimation sheets and ideas for other sheets. Also learning FreeCAD via tutorials.

Wed Nov 9, 2016

Curiosity lead me to create a spreadsheet on CEB earth volume estimates and other possible metrics. It got a bit messy adding things and will need rework and many additions to be more universally useful to builders. I also started a operations manual with info specific to v16.09 v8, but the many versions of the CEB Press and the need for longer term testing will make it difficult to form a comprehensive or complete manual.

Wed Nov 2, 2016

I was looking for spreadsheets and remembered engineers without borders has been asking for sponsors for spreadsheets for a few years now. They have some great PDF docs, even a few videos, but no spreadsheets. I linked to one I saw on biogas and added a link to the website resource list. I need to write them a letter giving them a piece of my mind about openness and transparency.


I was thinking how earlier how useful bigger more interlinked scalable spreadsheets with graphs etc. could help many aspects of open source design. Good spreadsheets that are easy for anyone to read and use can be hard to design in themselves. I think layout protocols and following basic physics calcs so sheets/workbooks can be interlinked so calcs can feed into each other giving better sustainability metrics and scalable big picture data so designers/end users can compare efficiency and cost benefit curves in order to size systems to their budgets would be great.

Peter Cowman sent a first draft link to a design programme he wants to contribute. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_pyTit4JelUbTBwc0FNbFIyQk1FdWhTU19KcWVES3NlOC04/view?usp=sharing I took some time to skim it over. He certainly has unique views on home building. It could result in good guidelines for prospective builders and looks like it has useful checklists. He is clearly enthusiastic about open source improving access for learning about home building and the economics. He has asked for suggestions on document type, formatting, possible illustrations, and the likely usage. It will be interesting to see how he finishes it. I still need to decide how to proceed/finish a few documents I started earlier I may switch doc types.

I also finally got google calendar installed on my GS5 and synced correctly so I can learn to use it. It should help improve workflow efficiency.

Sun Oct 30, 2016

Reviewing notes for any needed or unfinished updates. Looking at 3D CAD software lately FreeCAD, SweetHome3D, LibreCAD. Learning more basics, but trying to look for more efficient methods. Still thinking about PV systems. I was a bit disappointed with the Tesla/SolarCity solar roof tile design, but that means a better solution can still be open sourced. Galvalume metal roofing panels may be one of the more long term sustainable roofing materials, but attaching high-efficiency cells to metal panels would require insulative coatings like plastics and a good modular panel system like snap lock. I grok that galvalume was patented once and may still have trade secrets or licensing attached unfortunately. Aluminum is probably better, but about 20% more expensive. I've also still got greenhouse GAHT systems spreadsheets on my to do list.

Thurs Oct 20, 2016

Hrm, looks like the wiki lost my last post I made a few days ago. I was sure I submitted it successfully. Trying to remember what it was... I added a link to the lead acid battery page days ago about industrial grade deep cycle battery types. I have been looking at options for thermal mass storage in greenhouses like GAHT. I attempted to post before about considering adding pond liners ducts, gravel, and water to increase thermal mass in such systems. I think it might be cost effective for smaller GH's. I have also been researching current and future PV systems, but this is still a long-term side issue here. The exponential growth of production and cost reductions for PV systems is fantastic, but as nations with more successful transitions to renewable have found cheap energy can encourage more use and waste. So creating sustainable systems like GAHT for greenhouses are more sustainable when appropriately applied. Just like using CEB's for thermal mass in homes will reduce the need for PV inputs and conversion for A/C. I am reconsidering appropriate levels of greenhouse automation as I remodel/add insulation here. I am looking at newer Arduino systems with more advanced sensors. Some sensors are quite expensive coupled with IoT I want to carefully consider the necessity of adding such costs. It is mainly relative to the value of crops and the likely hood of faults resulting in their loss. I also received an email update from Peter Cowman about writing the design program guide he wants to share. It will be interesting to see what he has to say. He seems to have a lot of interest in the economic freedom aspects of more accessible housing design.

Tues Oct 11, 2016

Added link to the prior code version in the GitHub Readme yesterday. Traveled. Working on CEB Press Operation Notes. Busy working on the farm with WOOFers.

Wed Oct 5, 2016

Note: the code used in 2014 (last code iteration) is File:WKJCEB.ino, linked from [1]. On your Github, please add a link to this wiki page for reference in your readme file.-MJ

Considered other features for CEB Press code like fault tolerance for jams (retry once upon jam/timing fault without intervention from user), but waiting for the test of CEB Press to verify functionality first.

Looking over a few newer docs related to Eco Home since I am curious about certain methods. I keep an eye on PV and electrical systems tech since there are a few projects on the farm they will be useful for in the future. Lots of pertinent documentation useful for my own future projects.

I need to remember to review my log and add things I have noted to the wiki as well as other research I might have pertinent to OSE wiki.

Also preparing better documentation for the CEB Press code/auto mode operation.

I added my very buggy long term project code for climate monitoring and control to my GitHub. I need to get eclipse Arduino plugins installed for debugging the FRAM I/O. While I am interested in possibly using FRAM for certain projects I am no longer sure I like my design for the system. Since I now have internet and wifi on the farm I may consider more IoT wireless functions or just use an SD card module since it may be easier. It is not an immediate priority for me since I am working on major changes to the greenhouse here and the new one is on hold. I am not sure it is a very useful reference for greenhouse operations. I decided I do not like complex systems with many fail points, pumps to freeze, electrical systems that require lots of power and fail easily thereby ruining plants. But, the rocket mass heater method and thermal exchange systems are not good without water. https://github.com/Witz0/Climate-Monitoring-and-Control-Station

Tues Oct 4, 2016

Searched back through 2014 docs it looks like I had the old reference header code, but from the wrong place on wiki and assumed it was the wrong version.

Note I need to check the wiki later make sure old links are ideal for documentation for future reference.

Adjusting pin out values in v16.09 v8 code as they are different from the 2014 dwiel code at https://github.com/OSE/ceb-controller/blob/master/CEBManual/CEBManual.h

I also see the interesting wrapper for twisted wire pair inversion to solenoids U,D,L,R. I was thinking the defines at the top of the code were good enough to fix the issue when I began the code.

#define SOLENOID_RIGHT 5   //swap these pin numbers for wire inversion      (deafult pin 5)
#define SOLENOID_LEFT 4    //    (default pin 4)

#define SOLENOID_DOWN 15    //swap these pin numbers for wire inversion   (default pin 15)
#define SOLENOID_UP 14      //    (default pin 14)

But, I see how the wrapper works. It is an interesting method to invert the wire connections, but a more coding to do. I will look at implementing it. Part of the old code is also for swapping to a different Arduino board, which i do not think is neeeded in this version.

I uploaded the code with pin outs from the 2014 dwiel code header file CEBManual.h I see that code has two options for pin out one of a Teensy with magnetic switches I think and another for an Arduino DIECIMILA. I used the device appropriate pins from both for the mode select and the pressure sensor.

The code can be tested at this point.

Mon Oct 3, 2016

Downloading v8 code for testing an Open Source Ecology headquarters. https://github.com/Witz0/OSE-CEB-Press-v16.09 - MJ

I realized I was doing the algebra for the compensation of the extension verse contraction wrong in the code by missing a time variable. Then I ran numbers and decided it didn't matter. Then realized I had done the math wrong for the Area earlier. I mistakenly did cross-sectional area of the cylinder at first when it is, of course, the cylinder area.

I think I finally did the math correctly and it varies the contraction verse extension by close to 30ms for 1.25in diameter rod 14 inches long. So I can add the correct time variable for the secondary drawer cylinder, but I have not found specifications for the main cylinder yet. I just remembered I should be able to measure it in the FreeCAD file though.

Updating the code will be easy to do since I already have such variables in the code.

Received email about 2014 code pinout and U,D,L,R solenoid logic.

I will search for 2014 code, if I don't have it already, compare pinout & solenoid definitions and the update code ASAP.

Sun Oct 2, 2016

Lack of hands-on experience with the Press has made me reconsider the method of user calibration for Auto mode a few times, but I think the current design is ideal for user and machine safety. I almost regret my choice to use 'non-professional' coding styles and coding it for novice users with no OOP or even complex functions; The code is long and mostly copy pasta. But, I suppose the linearity of it might make it easier for novices or non-coders to debug.

I am still uncertain about pin out from google doc slides 31 and 32 where slide 31 says pin 9 is the board LED; slide 32 then labels pin 8 power LED, pin 9 Auto/Manual, and then pin 16 Switch Auto. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vN1uXJlCtz368CLgloU-TIcn3BeV0T66vZcWeAM1Heg/edit#slide=id.g38c76485b_027

Assuming there are no major bugs yet to be found I think the code for the CEB Press v16.09 v8 is logically complete. It should now operate the machine in auto mode after user calibration.

I will, however, feel much better once a thorough review of the code for critical bugs is done. This is also assuming there are no tight tolerance issues with timing or mechanical operation.

The values for the math used to compensate for extension time and contraction times may be poor guesses. Drift in the timing due to engine power variation should be compensated by comparing previous cycles timing, but rapid fluctuation could cause unnecessary faults to be thrown even if the Press is working ok if the drift value is set to low. Thankfully, changing values is easy for anyone to do if 5 milliseconds is not enough play in the system. Even larger engines should time ok as long as there aren't wild fluctuations in power delivery making the drift value throw false faults. Obviously, empirical testing will be the only way to know.

A thorough review of code for obvious logic failures is next priority along with the addition of serial outputs for live operation debugging just in case. I am curious what the timing numbers might look like in operation.

Sat Oct 1, 2016

I think code is approaching alpha test status for the bare minimum functionality. The more advanced features may require more initial timing calibration, tracking, and math. Assumptions about timing from start position and brick thickness variation may not be sensible without advanced calibration mode. This is an untested way of operating the machine compared to previous methods with pot adjustment knobs etc. so testing timing in full auto mode at max brick size first is probably a good idea. Readouts can be checked from Serial output to see millisecond timing of variables in real time as the machine operates for debugging. I still think good error checking and fault tolerance with an easy to resume pause mode will require more complex structures for memory and possibly an interrupt function. Perhaps I am being overly cautious about timing and speed variations due to lack of hands-on experience with the machine. This could vary with more power to the machine, though. If the nonlinear reality of the piston motion becomes an issue at some speed fixes won't be hard, but might make for messy code. The question is how many milliseconds are there between smooth operation and a fault. As for external faults I think they will occur at logically predictable points in the motion and therefore code.

Fri Sept 30, 2016

Corrected more assumptions I think I have sufficient understanding and acceptable code layout to do calcs for auto mode from manual user setup.

From the documented steps and for safe logical operation of the system the most sensible method seems to be to require the user to create bricks in manual mode to verify proper operation of the machine and desired brick thickness before engaging auto mode and after any fault or use of 3 position mode switch to "pause" the system. This ensures the user is aware of machine operational state for the safety of the machine operation and users. It also keeps the code and system fairly simple.

I think the code/MC can do the math with enough precision to calculate proper timing and motion from short time/motion measurements every cycle and check drift against a running average. If there is inaccuracy in the short measurement time/motions from mid points then either 2 measurements or more than one multiplier may be tried as a correction. I do not think adding multiple times/motions from midpoints would be accurate. There are other methods I can think of like more measurements on other strokes as well, but simpler is the first priority.

Currently, I see no need for math libraries or calculus, thankfully. Maybe just a more complex function or two. If I can get the math and functions working easily the code will be done soon I think.

Hard to count the Mythical man hours...

Thurs Sept 29, 2016

I thought I didn't have enough info on Controller board interface to MOSFETS and Solenoids, but I now think these were false assumptions. I may still need to find more details on sensor input data sheets, Active HIGH/LOW TTL conditions of selector switch circuit, but can program around these improving modularity. The answers may also be in the old code assuming components are the same.

Made first code commit with some initial outline and ideas for motion tracking. Thinking about logic steps for main auto algorithm and any math functions needed for adjustments. Also thinking about interrupt function and timing (no millis()) in function. Considerations need to made for interupt; Since pausing and making manual changes during pause would require manual reset to desired position unless complex NV memory presets could be made, but this seems unnecessary and impossible for current build due to lack of control inputs.

Will double check for any difference in standard arduino vs Teensy 2.0++. Code should be platform agnostic for future versions.

The seperate manual and auto mode design seems optimal. Having to manually reset the default position for any fault condition seems acceptable for this build, but more complex timing tracking may be possible and volatiles might be used for a basic pause ability using mode selector if no changes are made.

I finally made the trip back to the farm. On the way, I had a thought about reading the buttons input from manual mode so auto mode has data about repositioning, but I think it adds unwanted complexity and the circuit wiring might be open in build v8. Something else to consider after base functionality is achieved.

Continuing to commit code, but just noticed old code was CC-BY-SA. When I setup the repo I thought the best copyleft option suggested was GPLv3. So I need to verify OSE approved licensing.

I also changed some assumptions about code and need for an interrupt for now since Teensy may be slightly different than arduino. So polling should work safely since the loop should be quite fast.

Wed Sept 28, 2016

Talked with Marcin about code for CEB Press v16.09 v8 Reviewing Logical operations of CEB Press. I think the operation is fairly simple mainly about the predictable timing of pistons after manual start position setup.

Teensy 2.0 ++ is featured enough, but apparently not open and costs a lot compared to other newer options like adafruit trinket pro 3v. Teensy uses chip like the Leonardo. I don't see how an interrupt for selector switch is avoidable. Especially if a pause functionality is desired for the 3 position switch. I think avoiding complex pause functionality is best for now just to get the Press going ASAP. I am uncertain about possible drift in times/distances of pistons due to earth compression variation and hydraulic fluid flow rates. So auto calibration per cycle post manual setup seems necessary. Difference in timing can be tracked and perhaps if needed code could be modified to auto adjust timing/position drift back towards manual setting. Fixed +-drift percentage min/max variable could be used if needed, but I think simplicity should be tried first.

I setup Github Repo https://github.com/Witz0/OSE-CEB-Press-v16.09 Preparing to outline code with comments and write defines so I can make intial file upload.

Tues Sept 27, 2016

Just noticed Marcin's comment about CEB press code from the 20th. Sending messages and re-examining code status. Working on updates to page to LED's and preparing to create a stub page on PLL's. Also, considering design of more wiki templates. Created a new Notes Doc since I changed the old one to specifically discuss Open Data Management Protocols. Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-rkrX7jc3IYx2Q1Y6v0Aki_WZ4p-sLKZRgoaxTUKOXk/edit ODMP https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Muhy3YMEdps9gixtjR43iWqNXE7bxYZIQoVEfU82edA/edit

Thurs Sept 22, 2016

Continued looking over CEB press docs and plans for the upcoming build. I looked at dozuki more to examine the labeling protocols for the parts I found in the slide about how to make instructionals. I was looking for the protocol for part naming before I am not sure if I missed it elsewhere or it is only listed in the protocols for live build documentation. If it is only listed in the doc I have some wiki editing to do. I also looked at documentation methods such as using kdenlive, which is complex software I have heard of, but I am unfamiliar with. I installed it in my ubuntu VM for future study. It looks like a featured multi-track non-linear video editor I would like to learn, but I doubt I can in time to help this weekend. While reading through existing documentation I keep finding issues that make me think about better data handling protocols. It is difficult to consider what changes and protocols will give the most benefit for the least amount of work spent with training and the effect on speed of workflow. I keep adjusting my view and suggestions positively of existing systems like google docs in general, but I keep seeing examples of less than ideal doc formating that "common sense" protocols would help alleviate.

Wed Sept 21, 2016

Looked at CEB docs more. I finally found CEB press controller code for version 6 and it is more complex than the code on the wiki. Determining differences in v6 to v7 will require deeper understanding of mechanical changes. Commented on Jonathan's Integrative Immersion Training, Volunteers & Work Exchanges doc about clarifying protocols. Read over more OSE/OBI google docs on the Seed Eco Home and responded to emails from Peter Cowman. He wants to help, but I think may not yet grasp the technicalities of OSE/OBI collaboration methods; I still have much to learn myself so it is not always easy to communicate the methods.

Tues Sept 20, 2016

Reading about CEB Press lately just trying to get some knowledge of functionality and changes. I got curious and thought I would glance at the controller code, but so far I am not sure where/what appropriate version of the code is. The git repo doesn't look updated recently and has comments multiple versions are floating around. I am not very experienced with git myself, but I will look around see if I can find what code version is being worked on currently and hopefully learn about git repo's some. Also received more emails from Peter Cowman he is in South America, but still seems motivated to help with design in some way. 'Email me or write to me on my log if you want to help update the code. -MJ

Wed Sept 14, 2016

Busy with farm issues lately, but I did work on FreeCAD on Monday and figured out the steps up to starting part pads more clearly. I just need to repeat it more to internalize the steps and find the most efficient work pattern for making a simplified step by step script. I also just noticed some updated files for the CEB press have been uploaded; I am examining them to try to compare to what I thought would be correct. I see the parts are all back in one file. I do not understand the relabeling yet either. I saw it mentioned, but I am uncertain what is being referenced for labels. So I will search for more info because it will be important in addition to just converting parts and files. I am a little concerned I am not catching up on how and what to do fast enough. There is so much to figure out and it is changing as well. At least I can document the process and maybe improve documentation for future reference. A bigger picture will help with prioritizing as well.

Thurs Sept 8, 2016

I have been looking over many interesting OSE documents and information on libreCAD & FreeCAD. Lots of new information to process. I also made progress using libreCAD/FreeCAD. I am planning for tutorials. I started more docs for notes, found and added existing links for references; See Notes doc [2]

Tues Sept 6, 2016

Looked at more CEB Press info. Figured out some settings and how to do basic tasks in LibreCAD and FreeCAD. Figured out Google docs and found lots of OSE related files I wasn't aware of. Need to verify I am working with the correct files and doing the export/import steps right by comparing to someones work with experience. My image of OSE structure and methods keeps shifting. Definitely need more documentation on the wiki about basic how to's. On going google doc notes here: [3]

Mon Sept 5, 2016

It's Labor Day, and we have a new WWOOFer arriving today, but I'd like to note some of my learning mistakes for future reference. The Noob perspective. When I saw the video for the sept 3 CEB design sprint pop up on youtube today I was not surprised, but annoyed I didn't get in after preparing to do so. I was not familiar enough with the google hangout protocols; I thought the software was telling me it was full; I wasn't aware of the fixed hangout link; So PEBCAK. Of course, I also assumed wrongly I wouldn't know enough FreeCAD to help. At that time I suppose I did not, but spending a lot of time this weekend figuring out many of the things covered in the meeting on my own afterward was not the most efficient learning method. Software familiarity matters. So, better training docs are needed for new people. With the interest in improving HR I think a big part of that needs to be improving documentation for training protocols. The current HR protocols are simply the discouragement created by a lack of cohesive training information. The wiki may be a filterable db, but when it hurts instead of helping learning efficiency it is an HR problem. Therefore I will make it my mission to add notes to the wiki where applicable to make it easier for new users. Also, I will turn youtube inside out to try fixing the video sync problems. Software is highly visual and I think I learn a lot about how things are getting done from the videos, so the bad video can be extremely annoying. Last week I realized the videos being CC makes them editable by anyone, so I think it may be possible to at least resync them better. Missing audio is just unfortunate. Perhaps better protocols for usage of bandwidth in the hangout such as only enabling HD cameras when necessary and lowering bandwidth settings when good enough for screen sharing. Finding better software may not solve bandwidth issues entirely anyway.

Sun Sept 4, 2016

Periodically looking for logistics on workflow processes and guides for using google docs and Dozuki I found a few other things I was unaware of. Google hangouts on air is the standard for recording and uploading hangouts directly. I was suspicious that was the case. It means the annoying sync issues in the youtube videos are likely either upload bandwidth issues or youtube's fault. Looked over libreCAD and at CEB press FreeCAD file a little more. Interesting legacy file issues/bugs causing the two applications to be used in a collaborative, but not the most efficient manner. Exporting and Importing files could use more explanation and I will work on adding some documentation on that this week if that method will continue to be used in the future.

Sat Sept 3, 2016

I sent more emails to potential SME's mainly to colleges of architecture in states closer to FeF. reviewing more FreeCAD info in prep for today's Design Sprint. Preparing a list of questions about OSE structure and tools using google docs so I can search for answers or ask the OSE community. Looked at CEB Press content to try to gain functional understanding; Made some progress. I noticed functions in the google docs for collaboration I was not aware of before possibly new, but I need to brush up on Google docs. Reviewed CEB Press Design Sprint instructions. Downloaded and viewed files and watched beginners tutorials on FreeCAD. Informative, but I need a lot more practice with FreeCAD interface. Then there is all the prior build content on the CEB Press I am ignorant of.

Fri Sept 2, 2016

Started to review information about FreeCAD and tutorials. I have much to learn, but timing fits with my goal to learn FreeCAD this fall/winter. I am trying to understand FreeCAD limitations. I wonder if its python code base and scripting system can be used to overcome some shortfalls with plugins. I may need to get back to learning Python as well.

Thur Sept 1, 2016

After emails with Peter Cowman I think his living architecture philosophy may be helpful to OBI/OSE's design goals. Especially with the dilemmas around designing the Seed Eco-Home as an open source prototype show casing various technologies and the need to design the structure so it fits the needs of the individuals using the structure at Factor e Farm. Designing the structure so it is modular and can be adapted to other peoples' different needs in different locations where varying environmental conditions require variations on the structure and included technologies is important to OBI/OSE's overall goals. Peter's living architecture concepts remind me of elements in permaculture and natural designs used in earth ships as well. Peter says he is interested in sharing these ideas openly.

Further email with Peter Cowman reveals he is leaving soon for a trip to Bolivia. I emailed Marcin to inform him of the situation.

Wed Aug 31, 2016

Searched wiki for various information; Google doc wiki insertion/sharing protocols found nothing of significance. Since they are technically tied to an individuals google account they need to be shared & copied to OSE's account to eliminate possible loss of data I think.

From my experience needs at least one locally licensed & bonded architectural engineer. Presumable there has been previous experience with some for other projects, but I haven't found clear documentation on that yet. In searching the wiki for any reference to Seed Home rough blueprints CAD files etc. I don't see anything other than some slide shows and rough ideas mostly related to previous projects. So I am guessing what is meant by getting the calculations done is really finding engineers to create blueprints similar to imagery that can pass code and include prototype technologies.

Since Peter Cowman is not local (Ireland) I am currently thinking he may be most useful to advise on more general design aspects and improving home functionality through his living architecture design philosophy. I have seen many earth ship videos that show how they employ more efficient natural methods of ventilation and combining greenhouses to reduce heating and cooling as well. If there is enough interest from OBI/OSE community maybe he can do some general video conferencing lectures etc. I am searching for more detailed wiki links to Seed Home for Peter to look over so he will be prepared to consult with OBI/OSE management in whatever capacity possible.

I also emailed Community member Anthony for advice as well continuing correspondence with Peter Cowman on his possible role as a SME. He is interested and reviewing existing content on the Seed Eco-Home. I am also informing him more about OSE/OBI's design process and open source methodology.

I am searching for more architectural SME's that are more local to Factor e Farm's location and experienced with CEB construction. Possibly at more local colleges of architecture like the UO links.

Tue Aug 30, 2016

Creating work log to enter communications with architect Peter Cowman related to SME Design Sprint for designing OBI building prototype.

Peter is interested in working with OSE and thinks he can work within OBI/OSE open source rules, but is uncertain how his living architecture design philosophy can integrate with OBI and its open source deign process. Living architecture is about humans learning to build their structures sustainably, in harmony with the surrounding environment, and designing them to better fit humans natural needs. It generally involves the use of natural local materials to build small custom homes. Peter Cowman is currently located in Ireland, but has traveled and lectured extensively.

One dilemma of open source is how to design prototypes so that users can take the underlying designs and adapt them to suit their personal needs and local environment. The prototype home OBI will build needs to both demonstrate a broad variety of easy to use sustainable technologies and fit the specific needs of Factor e Farm and those who will utilize it. Not all technologies are a good fit for everyone in any environment. The adaptability of open source is its biggest advantage, but flexibility and modularity must be designed in.

Also searching for other contacts within OSE for further guidance on Peter's possible role.

I've also searched for architecture with CEB's and found some links to schools of architecture in areas closer to Factor e Farm and will continue searching for more since I do not see many triple green check marks on the SME page and I assume more local engineers and architects will be needed for hands-on assistance and lectures.


