Accounting System Status
- Need to do:
- Find SupporTED consultant to define strategy here
- In progress - Centralize accouting to OSE and Terra accounts away from personal account - 1 day of work
- Show how we used our existing money ($100 Stifung, $65k Kauffman, $65 Kickstarter, True Fans cash) - 3 days
- True Fans report - monthly report - Set up Template - 5 hours
- Proper requisition system - needs budget to say if money is the
- Need to define Budget -
- Break down budget into categories.
- Each category says how much $ you have to spend for what
- Set up by Fiscal Year
- Scan receipts
- Questions:
- How far back do we go? Since Q3 2011 where we started rolling in cash (Terra)? Or since OSE Bank Account.