Affordable Housing Topgrading
#1 Global Builders
Global Limited Production
- WikiHouse - open source digital fabrication, holds hackathons. [1]
- ViviHouse - open source modular design.
#1 USA: Migraine Craftsman
- Migraine Craftsman stands out as the top public-facing hardcore affordable housing guy on YouTube - [2]. $228 mortgage on a $78k house, only 450 sf. He is the only guy I know of that shows real numbers.
- Builds real homes.
- Builds at the lowest price point - demonstrated care for affordability
- Knows design and CAD
- Appears committed to teaching tradespeople - mentions in his videos why this is needed
- Doesn't appear arrogant - appears open to new ways of doing things
- Definite hallmark of simple, elegant, quality design
- Design-build guy
- Good teacher - cares about documenting critical numbers
RENU Foundation (501C3)
- build small, affordable homes framed or from shipping containers
- train a workforce, focusing on at-risk youths, drop outs, ex-offenders, addicts, homeless, and returning veterans
- non-profit organization
- [3]