Alejandro Navarro

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Dear Sirs:

My name is Alejandro Navarro, I am leading a multidisciplinary team of five university students in the innovation department of EUC - SOTO MORALEJA, which is the maintenance Company of a Spanish residential area located in the north of Madrid, attending around 12.000 residents. The group of students is formed by me and another engineer, an architect, one journalist and a student of environmental sciences.

The Company has a trainee program, devoted to service process improvements, which is possible by signing several collaboration agreements with the mayor Universities located in the Madrid area. Since a couple of years we have the support of Banco Santander to finance the students activities. The process improvement team works collaboratively, in a concurrent way, following methodologies and working systems inspired in lean startup practices.

We like to consolidate a new team devoted to the building of machine and devices very useful for the community we serve, like briquetting manufacture, biodiesel and street sweepers, all of them required to attend the tasks we are suppose to provide our neighbors.

Among the duties of the Company is the cleaning of public spaces but the streets layout makes the standard sweep machines not able to access some places. At the moment we are working in developing a tiny sweeper and we contact you because we have seen your web site, the TED talk, and we find really interesting your viewpoint of open collaboration.

We wanted to know if it could be possible to participate in your WIKI spaces to make the machine we are developing and building available and free for everyone, and if it may be possible to attach the process of fabrication and production at your website.

Thank you for your attention and hope to hear from you soon.