Andrew Graham Log
- 1 Log - New Location
- 2 Ideas to implement
- 3 To do list
- 4 28th April, 2014
- 5 27th April, 2014
- 6 26th April, 2014
- 7 25th April, 2014
- 8 19th April, 2014
- 9 11th April, 2014
- 10 10th April, 2014
- 11 9th April, 2014
- 12 8th April, 2014
- 13 5th April, 2014
- 14 4th April, 2014
- 15 2nd April, 2014
- 16 1st April, 2014
- 17 31st March, 2014
- 18 29th March, 2014
- 19 28th March, 2014
- 20 27th March, 2014
- 21 26th March, 2014
- 22 25th March, 2014
- 23 24th March, 2014
- 24 21th March, 2014
- 25 20th March, 2014
- 26 19th March, 2014
- 27 18th March, 2014
- 28 17th March, 2014
- 29 16th March, 2014
- 30 15th March, 2014
- 31 14th March, 2014
- 32 13th March, 2014
- 33 12th March, 2014
- 34 11th March, 2014
- 35 10th March, 2014
- 36 9th March, 2014
Log - New Location
My log is now located here-
Ideas to implement
- Create a sketchup for OSE video to show how to draw with the right accuracy, increase circle segments, use hiding, snapping etc, arcs to measure etc. also how to post the final result using the dozuki cad template
- it may be possible to layout 3D objects from sketchup in free cad to be flat. it could be done dynamically using python script. this would give a proper procedural workflow for dimensioning. doing it manually isn't feasible because adjustments to sketchup files are asking for trouble. When it comes to the cam process you have to do it all over again to ensure you aren't maintaining any old incorrect parts.
- Build a workflow in Houdini to dynamically build a dxf with dimensioning and instructions for fabrication
- Build a procedural animation tool to follow a spreadsheet for construction order. The result from houdini would be an open GL animation of the build of the model.
- Improve wiki usability with suggested extension by Kunda
To do list
- look at stucco sprayer
- get dish detergent
- empty ash container.
- hot water flow threshold to turn on is too high. kitchen tap needs to be turned on full for it to work.
- rodent problem -thorough clean of kitchen and seal food away.
- Make a sign to make sure people don't burn treated pine in the fire.
timezones seem incorrect?
28th April, 2014 It's possible to upload images with a form script, and forms can be edited offline with chrome. You just need to click more on the left column in drive, and click offline.
this would be a great procedure for collecting information and mailing it out automatically to everyone with every entry. we would always be in sync with every entry learned. like the borg! but more awesome.
27th April, 2014
Build process for frame-
- instead of finishing the welds for the vertical supports, it would be better to just tack each seam it in 4-6 spots and then bolt it all together.
- The bolts should be on the interior so that the seams can be welded/finished.
- all the other parts can be finished seperately.
- the tolerance for accuracy on how important a 90 degree angle is on any part, and any spots that need to be ground out should be marked.
We had a problem in the morning wasting time on a new methos to obtain greater accuracy with levels but we wasted hours on that and couldn't get it going. once we ditched that method and realised we could finish the welds after its bolted we had great velocity. but the momentumdidn't really happen until 2pm.
26th April, 2014
Setup links for all the modules. people need to embed these links into each module build time data page.
25th April, 2014
created process layout for CEB press
19th April, 2014
xnview is a must have for all dozuki users [File:Batch_resize_for_dozuki.xbs]
It will resize an entire folder of images and can give a black border to put it in the right ratio for dozuki. It also helps when lots of users are trying to upload at once.
Microhouse- because of variation in the concrete foundation, they were re measured on each side and checked against floor modules to see there are no surprises when they slot in.
because of variation in birck szie we need half bricks to correct as early as possible to prevent parallel lines in the stacks occuring, i suggest that when the CEB press is in auto mode that because the other buttons on the interface are not useful in this state we use them for this - pressing one of these buttons can go to a half size brick mode, and another can go to a third size brick mode. this prevents slow down by getting someone to manually vary the pots when required. we just do a few of these varitions and revert back to normal funcitonality.
11th April, 2014
jar soil test updated bunk bed sketchup and bom
10th April, 2014
We finished most of the bucket, all that needs to be done is weld the quick attach plates on the sides after the tractor loads it up.
We lost a lot of time due to the shaft not being flat all the way across. its important to append this into the instrucitons. we should also note that tynes need to be drilled and then ground out flat, probably best to do it prior to welding the flats on. also brushing the shaft for a very easy fit for the bearings before fitting anything is an important thing to note for the build.
we discussed making abox for the gopro hero3.
the box that comes with it would be fine to just drill a hole in and use the usb cord to extend into a powergorilla or powermonkey. there are a lot of cheaper duplicates around but these are designed to be more ruggedised and have good multi voltage outputs. this one maybe overkill, but i find it has saved my bacon a number of times. if i forget to charge it its ok, I can run my gopro for maybe 3 days at least before charging again.
also the mini or the powermonkey extreme 12v would be adequate for all day timelapse
there is also a 3d printed box we could makle from here
9th April, 2014
need to adjust the build process for tynes. without a flat face, even working with gravity spatter on the nut is a big problem. a more robust process is to drill a hole, then use a grinder/cutter to flatten the area. this means there is no gap where the welds takes place on the nut and using this method they stayed more free
8th April, 2014
Had a very productive build day yesterday on the soil mixer. Things of note were- Putting the lid on was a bit of a challenge. We had to oxy cut the lid down a little more. we also realised that using clamp on the bottom to rest the lid on was usefull. it was to help get the lid in position with all the other welds for the hinges that need to take place. I made a mistake by welding the Hinge struts for the cylinder as part of the outside hinges on the lid. the parts look very similar, just a little shorter. it would help if we cut a bit of a different shape in the cad for easy identification. also to make sure everything is numbered. Putting on the hinges was easier than I thought. You can actually just use clamps or bolt and nuts for each part, keeping them at the 90 degree angle as in the design. Then position them in place getting everything square and tac away. This is all synced up in Trovebox and will be added to the documentation.
5th April, 2014
one guy got a bond with PLA on his 3d printer directly onto copper at 130C. that means if it works, and im sure it could, we could buy copper sheets directly at the weight price, and print the plastic layer on the back. print the layer on the other side as a resist layer and etch away. this has some potential.
Here is a concept for a self aligning QA Lip
this can be improved by inverting the wedge and having it internally.
4th April, 2014
Fixed the construction order of the bucket on the dozuki and updated the tines production process to reflect what is happening now.
Had lots of problems with the wire feeder on the welder today when trying to finish the QA Lip. but we got a lot more done towards the end of the day getting most of the bucket and lip tacked in place. almost ready to start putting on the lid once those welds are finished.
2nd April, 2014
today I cut up the larger pieces of stock on the iron worker. but we had a bit of a blocker and that was 2 big pieces that need to be cut with a torch. so we couldn't continue on the main bucket apart form the side walls, but we were busy all day anyway cutting up all the other necessary parts from stock, tubing, and tacking half the teeth.
I thought this was a good read and this -
The first article says porosity is necessarily a deal breaker unless its really bad or a structural requirement
I learnt to day that having the angle of the tool right made a big difference at about 15 degrees off perpendicular. paint was also causing major problems, so after an initial tack i went grinding along all the seams, welded again and ground out the old bad tacks.
I know Marcin didn't want us to use the grinder, but it became a necessity with the paint on the rebar that needed to be removed along the seams. I used to grind out heaps of hot water systems I used to find for scrap copper thought so i felt comfortable doing it and it was perfectly safe, I used the small grinder which I'm used to.
I learnt that when tacking, if it peels a piece back in the other direction after shrinkage, that its better to tack less, just a tiny dot, so that its more malleable. then you can tack the other side more easily without breaking it and then finish with some more solid tacks.
1st April, 2014
Relocated lots of stuff in the workshop and did some cleanup. Learnt how to weld with Marcin.
31st March, 2014
Upload in progress for a you tube video showing how to produce diagrams in sketchup using scenes for dozuki.
Finished the dozuki for the Soil Mixer.
Found an interesting resource on hardening steel
29th March, 2014
Happy birthday to me!
This shows 3 channel capacitive sensing with an arduino.
one thing i wonder about is interference with other objects and people around the table though. when the sense gets near the edges, this could change. i wonder if its being used for this purpose in the real world now how they deal with this issue - if it is an issue that is.
if the sensor is closer to the plate, with a lower value resistor being used, then this could limit interference.
using a ring or toroid will have increased sensitivity in the axis perpendicular to the ring. this is because the delta in the field is greater in this axis. good idea!
you can vary pwm as cutting height is approached to get finer control and slower z speed.
note aluminium case for shielding of circuit.
looking at the material and justins log, i like the idea of using the adafruit ultrasonic range sensor. I drew an idea for some reflector geometry to let us measure a disc pattern instead of a narrow beam.
its clear that a capacitive solution will require totally different operation when going to a plasma cutter instead of oxy. infact, the capacitive sensor isn't even used - rather the voltage is measured between the torch and table to control height.
that means two different technologies to achieve the same thing, because you need the capacitive measurement when the torch is off for the initial height.
i think ultrasonic may be the way to go because it wont be affected by the two different modes of cutting. it could be cheaper, and simpler to maintain.
you also need to consider height reduction after the cut commences. you could feed an isolated voltage/current measurment to tell the controlled when to drop the torch head.
shielded cables are a must- some good stuff here, actually a noise reduction bible-
28th March, 2014
created Parallel workflow diagram. Google draw sucks though. Doesn't know how to filter images for different sizes.
embedded this drawing into the build instructions page
Added the hinge mechanism and lid build to the dozuki for the soil mixer.
27th March, 2014
Created bunk bed design. 2 bracket pathways we need to decide on.
bunk bed specs 5'2" top level for matress 1'2" bottom level for matress 6'4" max height
moved copy from to
Setup build instructions for bucket on dozuki
brief discussion of using internet lines as one connection. if your going to be paying for 2 internet connections it would be good to load balance them both from one location and distribute it out from there. this would solve the problem of having large numbers of people, and since you are already paying for the second line it makes sense to do it. currently with just 10 users, 50kbit/s up is not going to cut it.
running ethernet up to the micro house could be done with a switch no more than every 100 meters to boost the signal. if power is an issue power over ethernet could be used also, mentioned in this thread
so onto using two connections as one-
Load balancing is easier than bonding.
Bonding will double web speed for a single user with 2 internet connections. however this is unnecessary.
Load balancing will not give you a maximum of 2x the speed for a single, but it will distribute traffic to each of the connections on demand if done correctly. In the real world this means with large numbers of users the web will perform just as well as in bonding. You need to make sure that with 2 connections going in that the load balancing won't just act as a failsafe - switch over to different internet connection if one fails. you want both connections to be used.
if you have a wrt54gl router this might be a good start to figuring this out.
to achieve this your going to need to position those 2 adsl modems in the same location, before the load balancing hardware - router.
The ISP doesn't have to know about it if you want to load balance yourself. I believe it can be done without them
this guy did it with that router-
26th March, 2014
- Measured out boards for the side rooms.
- Did file format tests import into houdini.
- Spoke to randy on the phone and cuts are ready for pickup.
It will now be possible to create a large chunk of the workflow in sketchup for documentation and build procedure. From a base model we can have in the same file procedural references for everything including
- CAD layout for DXF export to CNC.
- exploded view as animation
- fabrication procedure as animation.
- fabrication procedure frames for print manual and dozuki.
what this means if the base model needs updates, all these dependencies will update too. problems are the plugin is unstable in 2014. it crashes when setting or getting states, using scenes, and also exporting .mp4 doesn't work.
plan for sketchup video show dropbox sharing. show scenes, layers groups. show circles and tricks with CAD. show dxf conversion tricks and laying out in sketchup.
- good sketchup video on scenes
- groups and components - make sure you know when to use which, or your file will get slow quickly.
- layers
- speed enhancements
- dynamic components - pro only
- plugins
Thinks like the tunes on the rototiller, or grid beam should be designated in sketchup as dynamic components. building them in other software throws away the procedural abitiy of other software, or adding complexity to do it through other plugins to enable software like freecad or open scad.
Installing Soil Mixer - Module - Toothbar Teeth
25th March, 2014
- updated fabrication procedure text for marcin to review. updated exploded parts diagram and CAM layout numbering.
- added washers into sketchup file
- fixed p29 length in cam files to accomodate washers in the hinges
- Updated cam files protocol
Note: A lot of time seems to be lost when design changes are made and dependent files on the sketchup such as the dxf, images on the wiki, and wiki uploads to keep everything current need to take place. potentially a more desirable solution would be to have the ability to synchronize all these changes at once.
24th March, 2014
Updated DXF to send to seaman schuske - Randy Clinton
- increased the diameter by 1/16th on all the holes except the quick attach mount, and the 3 ground plates because they are already oversized to .625"
Updated 3D CAD Sketchup file for exploded diagram and DXF generation
Updated exploded parts diagram
- Updated fabrication diagram text.
21th March, 2014
- Updated exploded view and part numbering.
- Updated CAM and CAD. Removed extra lines from CAM. fixed radius on motor holes, removed extra motor holes for bolt.
- Added 2nd coat of lime wash to second last room.
- Anthony added first coat of lime wash to last room.
20th March, 2014
- bearing spec for bolt holes is incorrect - should be .625 -
- needed to add 4 extra holes into the sidewall
- tested internet, and its not going to be fast enough for a large group of people. good for a few people, up to 4 maybe.
- Added exploded parts diagram
- Rubbed out walls in last 2 east rooms. Moved the big glass sheets into the silo. Prepped whitewash and applied into the second last room.
19th March, 2014
- fixed a wheelbarrow axel by replacing the pin and putting 3 large washers on there. After pumping up the tires it'll be good as new.
- mixxed approx 5 shovels of sand to 4-5 shovels of very clayey soil to plaster the window and door on the outside room. this took a lot longer than anticipated to do the job well. plastering on top of the window and door frame required almost 100% clay just to stick, I'm wondering if it will crack but it was the only way it would stick on there even with the wire mesh.
- used sprayer and a damp cloth to smooth out the walls to prep for limewash
- Added suggested ratio to lime wash and plaster ratio suggestion.
18th March, 2014
Uploaded timelapse videos
Updated sketchup file to reposition the holes for the mounts. some inaccuracies were present in the components attaching to the shaft.
sketchup note: when creating circles, you must go to window, entity info, chad change the segments from 24 to 48. most circles look like ploys other wise and this will follow through to the machine file.
Moved everything from the outer rooms into office and silo. took a while because there was a lot of sorting. some things needed to be inside.
applied lime wash to a wall in the middle room. tomorrow need to smooth out the rendering with a rag. also staple chicken air and get sand from micro house.
tommorrow - fix sheets and dimensions. get a quote from Justin Fuston
17th March, 2014
Updated CAD. Chamfered corners, removed excess hinge parts, rotated struts 90 degrees. added gussets, but now they may not be necessary with the struts at 90 degrees. easy to remove. stacking of the hinge components around the hydraulic mechanism has been changed for better strength and ease of construction.
This has been fixed. see video! you just need to clear the prefs.
I also submitted a complaint to google, sketch up 2014 eliminated features in the free version of 2013 so that you have to pay for them. It's no longer possible to export to 3DS and most other pro formats now.
Microhouse- - Painted walls with white.
- Moved weights into the silo.
- prepped lime in 1 to one in the white container.
16th March, 2014
Added dhal to recipes-
Fixed vacuum cleaner.
Setup DIY mouse trap design to drown rodents.
15th March, 2014
Recipe for Dahl. For 8 people. Awesome vegetarian power food high in protein.
4 onions.
half a bulb of garlic
1.5kg lentils or split peas, soaked for as long as you can during the day, overnight if possible. if not, it will just take longer to cook but it works out fine. rinse them thoroughly!
Coconut oil
teaspoon whole cumin seeds
cumin powder
garam masala
chilli or cayenne pepper
sour cream and cilantro for garnish.
heat the oil and keep an eye on it so it doesn't smoke. fry the cumin seeds for a bit then add the onions and garlic on high. when the onions are clear to brown colour add 1/2 teaspoons of the rest of the spices and the lentils. add water to the pot until the lentils are just covered. keep on high heat until it starts to boil, then simmer until the lentils are soft/falling apart. this usually takes an hour. add to bowls and garnish with the cilantro and sour cream!
Added large grain sand and clay mix to top right corner of hablab. when dried we added mist and then lime wash. it may need another layer.
Painted the outside door frames yellow.
Modifications added to
Current design revisions-
1. Long reinforcement on edge of lid - 1/4 x 2. Current reinforcement needs to be rotated 90 degrees.
2. Centre the cylinder mount, add an extra strut for symmetry.
3. gusset 1/2" x 4" triangle on the rod end mount
4. 45 degrees angle on outside hinge to lip mount.
14th March, 2014
tomatoe varieties for OSE - jetstart homestead, bhn 1021 defiant phr
setting out planting guide for kansas city
13th March, 2014
Updated cad file and range of motion. Added hinges and correct thicknesses.
Collaboration notes: setting up remote collaboration for the design process in solid works can be aided by a synchronized web folder to users local paths. drop box achieves this but has a size limit. we need software that can do that locally to a raid array with offsite backup. Eric Potash suggested aero fs We also have which looks very promising with redundancy and
Lime wash
Determined that the 4 parts lime/3 parts water then salt added (salt is 1/5th the lime amount by volume, not weight) is a good mix provided the surface is smooth. On a rough surface this mix is too thick. If the mix is too thick it can crack due to shrinkage after drying. For a rough surface, this mix instead works - 1 part lime / 1 part water by volume, with salt being the same ratio as before - 1/5th the amount of lime by volume. It isn't necessary to mix the salt with more water prior to mixing with a drill in both these recipes. this was done on previous days to help mix more evenly, but these mixes are both watery enough to not worry about this.
Pre misting the area before applying the lime wash prevents cracking significantly. This is done by lightly misting so the soil looks darkened and damp, but not soaking wet which affects the bond negatively. Waiting a while to see it dry a little (~30 seconds) and repeating this 4 or 5 times helps create a deeper bond into to adobe wall when the lime wash is applied.
Hard synthetic brushes are ok to use only on smoothly rendered stucco, but on mud stucco these can be too abrasive and affect application. softer brushes like the thick ones we use from horse hair apply the mix really smoothly and work really well on both types of surfaces.
[4/3 mix failing in divots] [testing with spray]
For filling holes with earth plaster, Chris also added that they had success when mixing coarse grain sand with the clayey soil 3/1 and that there was no shrinkage problems when filling holes. they mixed it with their hands. they also sprayed the wall which helped.
3D Printer that Coulton fixed!
12th March, 2014
- 3D range of motion test for hydraulic cylinder.
- Hablab whitewash testing -
Determined that thick 2 to 1 lime/water ratio is too thick and cracks in some areas. Prepping with misting the adobe layer before limewashing definitely reduces cracking. We are also testing two recipes for tomorrow. One that is 4/3 Lime/water. The other that is 1/1. We will test both of these to see which works better.
11th March, 2014
Tested different whitewash formula. it appeared that thick lime wash was less tolerant of some areas of the wall and was peeling back at some points after some time had passed. We applied a thin whitewash with the consistency of cream or milk at the end to different parts of the wall to see if we could avoid the peeling problem.
Drew the clamshell mechanism and hinge in sketch up for the Soil Mixer.
Sketchup in progress
10th March, 2014
Timelapse of wall painting-
Helped sketch designs for soil mixer.
Painted wall with Lauren and Cat. (timelapse video in progress)
Cooked thai style fried rice for dinner.
Commenced ideation for procedural animation of the GVCS in Houdini for documentation.
9th March, 2014
Append design Rationale -
Laid hay over the ground to stop mud being moved along the path.