Ardublock - a visual programming language interface - allows elementary school kids to program Arduino. Thus, this simplicity can be translated to OSE's CEB Press Controller code so that people could reprogram their CEB as needed.
Going between Ardublock and the written code - which Ardublock allows - can help one understand the code more easily. It can produce code from graphical symbols - but its limit is that it cannot translate already written code to symbols. Anyway, it is useful if the program can be rewritten in Ardublock.
A visual programming environment for Arduino. An option for users who are not familiar with computer code. - Do not download, this is outdated (8/2017). Github
Getting Started Guide from Sparkfun - this shows the latest donload at (8/17) For free Arduino Programming Resources
Installation from Ardublock Site
- See
- Directions are not clear. First - to Find Sketchbook location - click Browse and then click on the Sketchbook folder, which is typically under home/marcin/sketchbook, where marcin is the username so substitute whatever username you are using
- Now take the ardublock-all.jar folder that you downloaded. Create directories in the sketchbook folder explicitly as instructed. Place the ardubblock-all.jar in that folder.