Hi! Welcome to the Wiki of Open Source Ecology Argentina!
We are in an expansion period (as of May 2012), the distances and the resource costs are many in this moment. We are developing projects that allow us to reach our target in the least possible time.
If you are interested in participating in OSE Argentina, please contact us via e-mail join our mail list (which is our principal communication medium) or join us in the Facebook group Open Source Ecology Argentina. We are meeting monthly and via Internet every two weeks. For more info check our wiki.
The current state of OSE Argentina is this (as of May 2012):
Projects in action
- "Access to Land Now": Collective purchase of large tracts of land at low cost (u$d 100/Has) for Open Source Ecology and Permaculture projects.
- The group is on Facebook >>> [1]
- Translate to Spanish the most relevant material to realize a strategic diffusion in technical/engineering colleges, universities, cultural centers, cooperatives, foundations and groups of people interested in the OSE project.
- Document to translate >>> [2]
- Creation of local groups to fabricate different prototypes by means of collective financing (for example >>> [3] ). This way one group can construct a brick press and another group can construct a termosolar collector, etc. In one year we'll gather to demonstrate the potential of the modularity and the distance work team, sharing experiences and reinforce the humans relations.
People in Argentina
- Pablo KULBABA, pablokulbaba(arroba)gmail(punto)com
- Enter/fxtronic - Gran Buenos Aires Zona Oeste - fxtronic(arroba)gmail(punto)com
- Ezequiel Arrieta - Cordoba Capital - quesopleviento(arroba)mzcordoba(punto)com(punto)ar
- Emanuel Martin - Cordoba Capital - ema_martin_cba(arroba)hotmail(punto)com
- Leonardo Delgaudio - La Plata - leondelgaudio(arroba)hotmail(punto)com
- Hugo - Capital - ham1988(arroba)gmail(dot)com
People elsewhere
- Patrick Gibbs - Texas and Argentina, nomadic - patrick0(-at-)riseup[dot]net -