Audrey Log - March 2013
Modernized Steam Engine Project Plan
Notes from 26 Mar 2013
- Finalized and submitted plan, updating research links, sources, potential contacts, etc. Submitted Configuration Management sample. File:Modernsteam.docx
Notes from 25 Mar 2013
- Updated project plan notional schedule and underlying processes for project development
- Revised plan--less technical, refocused on processes
Notes from 24 Mar 2013
- Continued COTS research with Cyclone Power Technologies Excellent source for engineering solutions, though patented technology, not in FRP, no cost data. Uses deionized water vs lubricant (will this wear parts & effect reliability?) Seems to solve condensation issues; utilizes multiple heat exchangers. Additional resources:
- Researched steam technology in auto industry: BMW, Saab & Honda
- Paper utilizing technology developed (and shelved by Saab) in the '70s from Ranotar and
- BMW Concept Car: and
- Honda utilizing steam in Honda Stream hybrid
- Need to continue researching Cyclone's solutions (i.e Waste Heat Engine project).
Notes from 23 Mar 2013
- Analysis of alternatives:
- Researched bump valve reliability, researching alternative solutions
- Need to discuss condensation issue and air compression issue on the return stroke (sending note to M. Norton)
- Power vs pressure: The higher the pressure, the smaller and lighter the engine (weight to power ration)...optimum pressure for SWAP requirements?? Include risk analysis (higher pressure/heat = higher safety risks), probable effect on cost. Continue researching.
- Reviewing Green Steam Engine products; available at The 2 cylinder product provides 10 hp at 125 psi, 1500 rpms; drawings/instructions/hard to find parts available for purchase. Other products available via COTS: ; will make contact with POC for more info re: 3,4, and 6 cyl eng.
Notes from 22 Mar 2013
- On travel, no work performed
Notes from 21 Mar 2013
- Updated project plan general requirements/specs and better defined FMECA process
- Continued researching alternatives to issues with OSE Arrow Head Engine
- Explored differences in V-shaped layout/feasibility; assessing
Notes from 20 Mar 2013
- Contacted Mark Norton; directed to
- Began researching the following issues with the OSE Arrow Head Engine:
- Water might condense in the cylinder chamber resulting in a blow-out condition
- Power output will be low unless operated at high speed and high steam pressures
- Bump valves are subject to wear and breakage
- Air is compressed on the return stroke, losing valuable work
- Horizontal layout leads to excessive wear on parts (piston rings, etc).
Notes from 19 Mar 2013
- On travel, no work performed
Notes from 18 Mar 2013
- Found Pure Energy Systems Green Steam Engine Project:
- Found multiple potential SMEs to include members of:
- Outreach: Paper on community colleges and green energy development from the Work Force Strategy Center
- General notes on steam
Notes from 17 Mar 2013
- Re-baselined project focus to include work performed by Mark Norton
- Reviewed OSE Modern Steam Engine documentation and requirements, incorporated into project plan