Ball Screw
- A Lead Screw that Uses Ball Bearings to Reduce Friction
- $136 for 4 feet of 1" screw. 1/4" pitch - means fast travel. -[1]
- 425 oz in = 27 lb at inch or 54 at 1/2" of 1" shaft. Pitch of 1/4 inch means 12 mech adv or 650 lb of push minus inefficiencies.
- what is torque limit of 1/2" ball screw?
Heavy Steel Slab
- It is $3/lb for 10"x2' or 133 lb - [2]
- cast iron - $2.6/lb for 2" stock, 1x2 feet
- 2"x8" is $1.6/lb -[3]