Biodigester Install Notes

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  1. Plumbing starts with drilling out the uniseal holes at the top right front of the biodigester.
  2. 2" gas hole is 4" and 4" from the front right corner on top. Location is such that the pipe is offset from the metal cage, so that the 1" input pipe is not blocked by the metal cage.
  3. Note: the pipe has trouble going all the way through because top of tote bends down and pipe bottoms out. To help this and make sure the gas holes (2 drilled, 1-3/4" each) are below the uniseal. I held the uniseal up via the 1" inlet hole. Insert the 2" pipe first so the 1" hole is accessible for holding up the 2" seal as pipe is being inserted.
  4. Note that it takes a lot of force to push the PVC in, as the uniseals are tight. The way they work, they are flared in on the inner diameter such that the pipe that is being inserted expands the uniseal to make a very tight seal with the sides of the tote. Use dish soap to lubricate the PVC pipe - that helps a lot.
  5. Bevel down ends of PVC with grinder to make them easier to insert into uniseal