Blake C
Blake C. <> to date Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 12:25 PM subject interested mailed-by
hide details Dec 21 (5 days ago)
Hi! I'm very intrigued by your websites and would like to connect and introduce myself. My name is Blake, I'm 23. I've been involved in the intentional communities movement for 3 years. I've lived at Eastwind, Twin Oaks, Green Gulch Zen Center, and several other intentional communities, including a very radical eco-community in Hawai'i. I'm very into what I've seen on your website. I'm contacting different communities, including Sandhill Farm, looking for the right place to dedicate my skills and time. A little about my skills: I have 16 years organic gardening experience, including about 5 years of orchard experience. I am a student and proponent of permaculture and use it in any design and setup. I'm very, very passionate about sustainability and useful plants. I have a small native fruit orchard in KY, where I'm from and am now. What I'm looking for is an opportunity to dedicate myself to a meaningful, radical endeavor involving sustainability and education. Working on experimental methods and technologies, as well as time-honored old timey skills is right up my alley. I am also skilled in mycology (mushroom science and growing), foraging for wild edibles and medicines, herbal medicine and natural health, water catchment, seed saving, greenhouse management, tree grafting, and nursery management. I'm also experienced in community living, communication, getting along, and working hard. I am passionate about working hard at the things I love. The next big project I'd like to co-create is building a molstly native agroforest and a useful plant nursery. I'm curious about possibly making a visit to your farm whenever convenient. If you'd like to talk more, please send me an email as soon as possible. Thanks!