Bottom Watering Regulating Fittings
These bottom-watering fittings are unique, and not found anywhere else that we know, so we had to design and print them ourselves. Please comment if you know of anything similar, which: (1) regulates water level automatically, and (2) drains over time, (3) allows for vertical stacking of bottom watering shelves.
See presentation. Fitting design starts on page 6:
- Source Files: File:Bottomwateringfitting.tar.gz
- Files include .xml files, which can be imported as project files into BlocksCAD
- Files include STL files for import into BlocksCAD (.xml file does not include imported files, the file must be imported separately). This is the thread file (don't use reversed threads)
- Files inlclude STL files for printing
- Note that a mirror operation within BlocksCAD reverses the threads. Therefore, the nut that is printed must have reverse threads. Reverse thread nuts can be generated easily in the FreeCAD Fasteners Workbench.
- The nut is a full nut. In practice, I aborted the nut jobs half way, as the nuts work well when only half a nut is printed, which also allows the nut to go on more easily. Otherwise, threads have to loosen up first by screwing and unscrewing the full nut on the threads of the fitting.
- Use BlocksCAD ( to edit the .xml files
- The 3D printing STL files are:
- 2by version - 2by coupler 25mm long thread 5mm wall.stl
- Plywood version - plywood coupler 25mm thread5mm wall.stl