Brad Log
Thu Oct 7, 2021
Notes on OSE Linux not displaying wiki pages:
May 6, 2021: Had problems again with the OSE Wiki. These pages display the same "Sorry, you must update your browser to use this site." message:,,, Wasn't able to correctly load pages on both my personal computer using the latest Firefox and Chromium running Linux Mint 20 and my work computer using Firefox and Chrome running Windows 10. Marcin was able to access pages on Chromium running OSE Linux 2.0.
January 25, 2021: Sometimes I have found OSE's Wiki to be unable to load pages, such as the screenshot below for the page "Competitive Waste" which was taken on 1/23/21. The screen does not load the page and displays a "Sorry, you must update your browser to use this site" notice. This has happened repeatedly, but irregularly on seemingly random pages, including the "Recent Changes" and "In the News" pages.