Build Competencies
There are 3 levels of competency, where pay for any non-volunteers depends on competency:
- Technical Competency - ability to execute in a controlled environment of the RLF, doing a task solo or with other dedicated support team members. This emphasizes controlled environment as the data point in extreme cases.
- Tactical Competency - tested when context switching is applied in the field when transitioning from one task to another, so that good self-management, organization, tool awareness, preparation, cheatsheets, etc come into play in a team scenario.
- Peak vs stable - Peak competency is one-off best when everything is perfect. However, the situation is rarely perfect, thus it matgters how one negotiated imperfection. Stable competency is what one can do day in and day out.
- Sequencing competency - having a good awareness of build order, such that at any given build stage, one can determine the critical next step with precision