Business Model Canvas

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The Business Model Canvas is a tool to help visualize the whole of the business model of an organisation in one single page. It contains all key elements, including value proposition, cost structure and revenue streams, among others. There is a short and useful explanation in this video.

OSE Business Model Canvas

For Open Source Ecology this is what it would look like (editable GoogleDoc): OSE Business Model Canvas.

Discussion and other proposals

The following proposals are ideas to complete the BMC

Revenue sources:

1. Training:

  • (a) Entrepreneurs: Independent mechanics are numerous in India. Some might have the motivation & skills to begin fabricating machines. Mode of payment will need to be thought through based on ability to pay - upfront vs installments. Similarly, some distributors of commercial farm machinery might be interested in fabrication.
  • (b) Internships: Paid internships for students who can afford it.
  • (c) Certification.

2. Exhibition: Participating in fairs and by organizing exhibitions - revenue from entry tickets, rides & sales.

3. Merchandise: Toys & memorabilia.

4. Government grants: For instance, the recently elected 'Aam Aadmi Party' led government in Delhi might be interested in the concept.

Some of the aforementioned sources of revenue generation can be best facilitated by partnering organizations such as ICRISAT, agricultural universities, engineering colleges & village associations. ==

Key partners:

1. Financial backing:

  • (a) Crowdfunding
  • (b) Grants from private foundations
  • (c) Governments
  • (d) Corporate partnerships
  • (e) International organizations

2. In-kind support:

  • (a) Time & effort: Volunteers - individuals & community associations
  • (b) Facilities/infrastructure: Government/private sector - for example, work space in universities & other establishments
  • (c) Raw material:
    • (i) Crowdsourcing scrap from individual households
    • (ii) Partnering with public & private sector organizations to source materials that are otherwise discarded
  • (d) Logistics: Possibly by partnering with trucking firms - they could offer to transport machinery when their vehicles are otherwise returning empty / with part load
  • (e) Marketing: Sharing advertising space or distribution channels

Note: Financial backing & In-kind support represent the Key Resources being acquired from partners.

3. Key suppliers - These are supply chain partners:

  • (a) Component suppliers such as fabricators
  • (b) Organizations providing human resource such as volunteers & interns
  • (c) Logistics firms

4. Key activities being performed by partners:

  • (a) Providing factors of production such as human resource & raw material
  • (b) Marketing: Advertising through media & word of mouth
  • (c) Supply chain management - this is relevant if logistics partnerships materialize

Value Proposition:

1. OSE's products & services:

  • (a) Equipment for farming & construction
  • (b) Knowledge & expertise
  • (c) Distribution channel for resources from organizations & individuals

2. Customer segments:

  • (a) Within local communities: Farmers, builders, mechanics, students, DIY enthusiasts, households
  • (b) Organizations & individuals aligned with OSE's objectives

3. Problems & unmet needs being addressed by OSE:

  • (a) Efficiency & effectiveness of equipment & human capital
  • (b) Bargaining power between end users & the supply chain
  • (c) Negative externalities

4. OSE's value proposition:

  • (a) To alter the dynamics of production & consumption
  • (b) Provide free access to knowledge
  • (c) Offer a distinct alternative to commercial supply chains