CNC Torch Table v21.08 3D CAD
Working Doc
(repeated from Conceptual Design section)
Part Library
File:Finalcnctorchassy.fcstd CNC Torch Table assembly.
File:1inchcollar.fcstd. File:1inchcollar.stl. 1" shaft clamp, self threading. Drill out one side.
File:Cablechainlarge.fcstd. File:Cablechainlarge.stl. Cable Chain.
File:Cncttzaxis.fcstd CNC torch table Z axis.
File:Halfbearingholder.fcstd. Half bearing holder. File:Halfbearingholder.stl
File:Y2axis.fcstd Y2 axis.
File:X1axis.fcstd X1 axis.
File:1autoparallel.fcstd Auto parallel mechanism. File:1autoparallel.stl
File:Y1axis.fcstd Y1 axis.
File:Carriageassy.fcstd Carriage assembly.
File:Torch tip.fcstd Torch Handle.
File:Torch handle only.fcstd Torch Handle.
Igniter for acetylene cut torch
FreeCAD - File:Igniter.fcstdEM valve for acetylene and oxygen
FreeCAD - File:Fl 205 cut of solenoid.fcstdCNC Torch Frame. File:Cnctorchframe.fcstd.
Gitlab Source. Newer version is in FreeCAD - File:Newquickmotor.fcstd. STL file - File:Motorpiece1in.stl. New gcode at gitlab - [1]
Separate carriage piece. File:Carriageseparate.fcstd. File:Carriageseparate.stl
Motor to Idler Converter Plug. File:Motortoidler.fcstd. For printing - File:Motortoidler.stl
New 1" idler assembly. File:Newidler1nch.fcstd. Note that the idler is made by taking the motor piece and adding an insert to create the idler function. Thus, the 3D printed piece is the same as the motor piece - plus an insert (the Motor to Idler Converter Plug. 2 bearings go in as well, on an 8 mm shaft.
608 skateboard 8x22x7 mm Bearing. Download - File:608Bearing.FCStd
Torch head assembly. FreeCAD file on Gitlab - [2]
CNC Torch Table Belt Pinch. - FreeCAD -File:CNC Torch Belt Pinch.stl.
CNC Torch Table Carriage. - FreeCAD -File:CNC Torch Table Carriage.fcstd. File:Carriage1.stl. Latest update on Gitlab - [3]
CNC Torch Table Idler. - FreeCAD -File:CNC Torch Table idler2.FCStd - stl - File:CNC Torch Table Idler5.stl. Updated 10/1/21 idler on Gitlab - [4]
File:Nema23motor.fcstdNema 23 motor.
Gcode for Marlin Universal v20.04, running on D3D Universal v3
- Bed Hold -
. File:Bedhold.fcstd. File:Bedhold.stl - note - needs update for extra chamfer. Use latest FreeCAD file.
- Rod Test File with bushing - File:1inchrodtest.fcstd. With bushing it is 1.25". Add 0.1" to make it 1.35" diameter. STL - File:1inchrodtest.stl
- Rod Test File without bushing - File:1inchrodtestnobushing.fcstd. General rule: add 0.1" to diameter for 1.2mm nozzles. D=1.1"
- Rod spacing template - 1/8" by 3.5" full hole - File:Spacingtemplate.fcstd
- Test file for outside holes - File:Outsideholes.fcstd
- Bushing template - File:1inchbushingtest.fcstd