COVID Government Response Controversy

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  • Some coverups caused issue
  • Also unpreparedness etc (We may be able to help along with other NGO's etc if we can reach required standards, and network with the right groups Doctors Without Borders ?



  • Potential Delayed Response due to funding cuts and non-replaced resignation based vacancys in the cdc during the current administration
  • USA has very little testing, and as such, confirmed cases are underreported (Granted part of this may be to prevent panic, and thus should perhaps be overlooked, unless it is due to CLEAR corruption, also data must be confirmed, ...)
  • Also the original kits DID NOT WORK and were thus recalled
  • Also some conflicting information by public officials ("it will be over soon" , "Quick Vaccine Development" , Cutting "Red Tape" Which Isn't Done in the medical feild (FDA Approved, don't want a drug that has some nasty side effect 2-3 years after it cures something, etc)
  • Some Articles on the Subject
  • An Article by "The Verge" on the USA's Response Issues
  • A VOX Article on Various "Unknowns"
  • A Politifact Article on the USA's Possible Failures in Prevention/CDC Response