Wed Mar 25, 2020
Current action points:
- At Open Source Respirator - take best 3D printed candidate - but it requires 3 optimization:
- Supply-chain disruption-safe filter material source in bulk, minimum supply of 1000 or so
- good seal between edges of mask and face
- Undisruptable supply of TPU filament for distributed production - need to start making it from pellets. It's expected that we have a PLA or PETg mask with rubber gasket, or entire mask of rubber for good fit. PETg + rubber is good for cleanability + fit.
- Open Source Ventilator - Ventilaid
- Adapt it for sensors, humidifier, air heater, safety valves, and auto control
- Probably can replace pneumatic cylinder with Universal Axis which can control stroke, velocity, acceleration fully
- at Open Source Face Shield - identify the 1-minute build, 25 cent option:
- Weather strip (Isaac model) with glued-on visor.
- Identify bulk source of weatherstrip (10 cents a strip)
- Identify bulk source of low cost visor material (10 cents a sheet)
- Otherwise, 3d print a hollow, square rubber gasket in lieu of weatherstrip, with 2x2x20 cm hollow simulated square tube for the - File:Facemaskgasket.stl. 25 grams -
- One spool of TPU filament gets you 40 masks, so 50 cents per mask in TPU.
- 5 cents/mask in TPU with 1 ton MOQ TPU pellets turned to filament.