Campus Scaling

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One Cohort Scale

  • One trained Teacher.
  • Teacher requirement is rigorous: build, design, collaborate, teach, abundance mindset, and enterprise savvy, extreme performers can learn to build in 6 months, design in 6 months, enterprise in 6 months, collaborate in 6 months. Mindset creation would be 2 years of immersion study. A genius person would require 4 years to learn global humility - it is a long-term development effort of cultivating mastery. More like 8-12 years, or 2000 hours per year for 5 year genius cycle. Extreme performers could get probably more like 3500 hours per year, for 3 year genius cycles. There could be up to 4 genius cycles for extreme cases, which is not scalable, or a cycle in 5 years, for 2+ genius cycles in 10 years.
  • Genius performance means $1M annual net value generation.
  • Minimum performance is net $100k value generation, at 4 years. 2 houses per year with effective efficiency and automation.
  • 24 cohort performance shows minimum 1 house? At 16 hours and 1000, that is about a year.
  • Therefore per capita prior to learning is 2 years, but at 2 years must perform.
  • Likely outcome is $3.6M net generation, thus $3.6M bootstrap case.
  • Note that annual new cohorts are incoming, thus a security against risk.
  • All campuses collaborate on New Civilization Design, making for a tight mission based community. Remember that mission cohesion is tighter than social cohesion. We couole both if we include social cohesion in mission. Mission comes first, as the source of social cohesion. Without mission, only social cohesion is capable of forming. Thus, solely social cohesion forms when there is no mission. Any society is incomplete, or uneducated, if a common mission is not found. Mission can be defined as part of social contract. Thus we are not violating any social needs of community.

10x Scaling

  • Limit to 10x is disciplined teachers
  • Only way to scale teachers is with remote learning via teleconference, where teaching assistants guide the group. TAs are less skilled - for example they have only tech skills of modular design via design Guides and RLF
  • RLF must be proven first for 6 month delivery of full skill.
  • RLF rapid build must be proven. Solar basis must be shown. Backup gen is legit, with overpowered PV as the base load. Super efficiency and heat storage for night.
  • 1000kWhr per kW of new PV generation is base goal, see Silicon. This means 1/2 year payback. Develop this capacity, as 160kWhr/kg of solar grade silicon modules - and PV manufacturing capacity for every campus is real. We can recycle aluminum cans for this.
  • Next question is capital requirement for reduction - using hydrogen not - but carbon. That is called a charcoal gasifier, and SiO2 reduction crucible..