Chiropractic Adjustment

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  • Go through all bones/muscles of body
  • Feel for tightness

Example 1:


  1. Start by feeling the back for tight spots.
  2. By sacrum - feel and press down left, right, and center. Sacral Hiatus is where the spinal cord leaves the spine. Spinal tubercles are the bumps on the spine, like on a stegosaurus.
  3. look at legs - put feet together, see if legs are the same length
  4. See if back is higher on one side than other.
  5. Start manipulating Cervical-Thoracic Junction
  6. Start with T1 on the left, crack neck around T1, then drop to T2 and crack toward the other side. See more in depth on C1-C7 spine bones - How to Crack Your Neck.
  7. Drop down with both hands in a haert [1] - patient breathes in and out all the way - and chiropractor thrusts down rapidly.
  8. Do this in 3 locations going further down T. [2]
  9. Check the length of the feet - feet got closer to the same length! See now [3] compared to before [4].
  10. Now go down to lumbar spine area. First, check out the sacrum. Stabilize down on the sacrum with one hand [5], and have patient raise right leg and left leg [6]. Observe any differences.
  11. Cross tight side leg over the loose one. [7]. This rotates the sacrum right. Now using drop table, drop down and torque to stretch out the sacrum. Do that 5 times.
  12. Uncross legs and bend right knee. Chiropractor raises the leg and pushes down on sacrum, using drop table. 3x. [8]. This balanced out the sacrum here.
  13. Interestingly, that pulled legs further out of alignment. [9]
  14. Lay on side, and chiropractor rotates lumbar vertebrae on both sides. [10]. Checking the feet [11] shows that it was the lumbar vertebrae that were causing misalignment in length of legs.
  15. With everything aligned, we will pull on the neck to stretch out the spine. (hanging would do the same?) [12]
  16. Vibrate muscles of neck and shoulders, and C and T spine bones for relaxation so body remembers the adjustment longer. [13]
  17. Pull the ankle out - [14]
  18. Pull feet out - [15]
  19. Use massager on outer tarsals - [16]. Specifically - anterior talofibular ligament [17]

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