Coach Assessment

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Source of Questions

Take Questions on page 3 of [1] as a useful start.


  • How satisfied is the client with the coaching process and/or coach? (Seems that there are two distinct questions here.)
  • What does the client like or dislike about coaching?
  • What changes would the client like to make?
  • How does the client plan to apply outcomes from coaching in life or work?
  • How does the client think that coaching outcomes can impact the organization?


  • To what extent are new skills or knowledge being demonstrated?
  • What new awareness or insight has emerged from the coaching process?
  • To what extent has coaching had an impact on the client’s level of capability?


  • How have new skills or ways of interacting been used in real work situations?
  • To what extent has behavior change occurred on the job as a result of coaching?


  • What difference has the coaching process made in actual organizational results (e.g. sales, errors, retention, morale, creativity, time-to-market etc.)?
  • What is the return-on-investment realized through coaching for the organization?



  • Useful coaching survey of CEOs from Stanford - "CEOs want coaching, but most get too little". [2]