Collaborative Marketing Email
- This page posts an email template for contacting SME's (?)
Greetings _______,
My name is LeoDavid, and I am doing business development for Open Source Ecology. Please see our TED Talk on the Global Village Construction Set for a 4 minute summary of what we do -
I will make this very short, as I know your time is valuable. OSE is dedicated to a world of collaborative design – for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance and as such, I believe that our organizations can mutually benefit from open source collaborative marketing.
We request that you post our products - the open source 3D printer - - and related collaborative design courses - - on your website. We would post your products - such as __________ - on ours. Each party is responsible for its own fulfillment, so it's low overhead - essentially just a marketing funnel for your business/product.
Because you are producing OSHWA-compliant open source designs, we'd like to see if we can collaborate to make open source hardware more widely available. We are also interested in collaborative development of other products if there is overlap between our directions - and the development of open business models where we train others to produce open hardware. We deal with a broad range of source hardware, focusing on infrastructure-building - but that includes many supporting technologies from microcontrollers, electic motors, materials production, construction, and more. Our goal is to make large-scale, open collaboration the norm in product development for meeting real needs - and building economies on more friendly terms.
Please let me know if this resonates with you, and if you are interested in the collaborative marketing route. If so let's begin a dialogue - and maybe uncover other areas of possible collaboration.
LeoDavid Fernandez
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