College Notes
From Jose
- MIT has a Public Service Center that funds students to work with non-profits. They won't pay the non-profit, but they will pay for the student to go and support themselves to be volunteers in your organization if this attractive to you.
- Generally MIT students get training on *not* to pay for experiences for service. Duke, Northwestern, tons of places in Africa send us emails that are for students to pay to go on a "discovery / impact" tour and 99/100 they go into spam because the students at MIT will not consider them. If anything they get paid to do this work from either MIT or the internship company. So consider this when pitching your opportunity.
- I think this is slightly unique to MIT because these kids get like 20 different options to do whatever they want every semester.
- I don't see Dartmouth on your list. Definitely go there. They have tons of resources and the students are AMAZING.