Core message

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  • This page aims to develop a "Core Message" for OSE
  • A 'core' message is a condensed message that helps explain what your goals are in an easy to remember phrase
  • Mainly Useful for PR, and Explaining OSE to new people/groups (Funding requests, events, etc)

Possible core messages

About OSE in general

  • "Creating tools for building modern off-grid resilient communities that can be reproduced by anyone at low cost."
  • "Building the world's first replicable, open source, modern off-grid global village - to transcend survival and evolve to freedom."
  • "Our aim is the full integration of flexible small-scale manufacturing with sustainable agriculture."
  • "Evolve to freedom"
  • "Inventing a new civilization on a shoestring budget"
  • Messages from discussion in Forum
    • "Building the world's first replicable, open source, off-grid Global Village"
    • "Social transformation through off-grid villages"
    • "Developing technology to enable easily copied high-tech resilient communities"
    • "Open Source Ecology is a movement dedicated to the collaborative development of the world's first replicable, open source, modern off-grid global village"
    • "The goal of Open Source Ecology is to develop an ecology of appropriate technology products and services that promote right livelihoods"

About the GVCS

  • "Just tools for living"

Some notes on core messages in general

  • To be effective, a core message must be short, simple and clear.
    • Messages are shortened by leaving something out; there's no other way to do it.
    • To say that one thing is "core" is to imply that other things are "not core".
  • To be effective, a core message must be consistent.
    • Inconsistency (using different core messages in different parts of the web site, for example) communicates indecisiveness.

See also


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