Curriculum Requirements
OSE is interested in collaborating with educators from all walks of life. In order to inject freedom into the classroom, we start with science curriculum with a purpose - aimed at creating innovation that matters for betterment of humankind.
To this end, all educators can contribute. The guidelines for curriculum creation include:
- Integration of OSE tools into the curriculum. Such as scale models of real machines which still contain motion and controls, via small-scale hydraulics (water pumps).
- Lesson Title, duration, and content. The actual content is most important.
- Supporting Bills of Materials for experiments
- Modular design of lessons. Lessons should be from 1 hour class time to 3 hour project sessions.
- Modular design means that the lessons fit into the framework of creating the GVCS, and creating civilization from scratch beginning with physical infrastructures.
- Design in general follows OSE Specifications for freedom
For curriculum to be useful, it must include:
- Lesson summary (1 paragraph)
- Written content.transcript that the teacher would be presenting
- Supporting links and references
- Supporting design files
- Supporting BOMs or sourcing information for parts
- Duration of lessen or build
- For a compilation of multiple lessons into a program - a timeline organized by day and week should be included.
- Peer review and feedback from other teachers and curriculum designers.
- List of education standards met or addressed with the curriculum. See Curriculum Standards.
Types of Curriculum
Broadly speaking there is development and learning curriculum - and applied curriculum.
Applied Curriculum - Material Security Curriculum - means applied directly to the mission of OSE, which is creation of open source right livelihoods (open source economy). Right Livelihood cannot happen without material security, and that material security must be Regenerative. The mainstream system denies the concept of individual livelihood - and replaces it with security within a larger system. However, integrity of individuals + serving the larger system is incompatible. The solution is a level of integrity in individuals which allows self-determination without hurting others. For applied curriculum to meet the mission of OSE, the curriculum teaches the production of economically significant goods that are consistent with Permafacture and therefore environmental regeneration and justice. Simply put - Applied Curriculum is useful products and tools to help people gain material security. Applied Curriculum involves well-refined, working products that can be built rapidly. It involves both learning and production in one.
Development and Learning Curriculum - this is with focus with learning and schools, where no direct economic significance towards right livelihood is present. This curriculum is for any student. From the student's perspective, the curriculum teaches valuable skills. From the OSE perspective, the curriculum approaches economic significance if it serves R&D goals for longer term product development. Thus, education + R&D are present, with no expectations of immediate products, but with expectations of products materializing in due time. That means that the approach is one based on useful intentions towards scalability and moduularity that approaches useful artifacts in due time. Development/Learning Curriculum involves exploratory experiments, without accountability to useful products - but more the process of learning.