Cursor Highlight in Ubuntu
(Redirected from Cursor Highlighting)
Keywords: Highlight Mouse for Screencasts; custom mouse theme with highlight
- Stack Exchange - [1]. Suggests DMZ-Highlight as solution which is claimed to have worked on Ubuntu 14.04. Link - [2]. Link to video discussing install on Ubuntu 12.04 - [3]
- Compiz Config Tools Manager
- Install Gnome Desktop on standard Ubuntu Unity Desktop? [4] Does Gnome have a highlighted cursor?
- Custom Cursor Themes?
- Technical route beyond average user - [8]
- Gnome Tweak Tool - Ubuntu 14 or 15.04. - [9]
- Gnome or Unity Tweak Tools don't work - but command line does? - [10]
- How to install cursor themes in ubuntu - [11].Best source. For Unity, it's X11 window environment. Installed DMZyb from the "X11 Mouse Themes" category.
- Installed DMZyb above - cursor appears regular in some applications, but reappears only outside of app windows. Right now it appears big in FreeCAD, small on Chromium
- Instructions- [12]
- Need to do this in terminal to make the largest highlight circle. Go to Terminal and type:
- gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 64 && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme DMZyb