D3D Circuit Mill Workshop Equipment List
This is an estimated list of tools which would be needed for a mobile workshop on the D3D Circuit Mill and, assumedly,the D3D 3D Printer. Content comes from informal recall of the workshop, so feel free to add and subtract. This is under the expectation of a facility of around 4.5 X 8M and 4 groups of attendees assembling 4 machines.
- soldering kit
- multi-meter
- forceps/tweezers x4
- cordless drills x4
- dremmel
- Philips screwdrivers, small, medium, large x4
- flat blade screwdrivers, small, medium, large x4
- insulated screwdriver
- adjustable open-end wrenches x2
- box cutters x4
- xacto knives x4
- hex wrench kits x4
- heat gun
- wire strippers
- needle nose pliers x2
- multi-port power adapters x4
- vice-grips x2
- mobile multi-drawer cabinets x5
- canvas table/floor covers x4