D3D Prerun Checklist

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  1. Check that all cables are correctly pinned
  2. Vefify that the extruder heat sink fan is on permanently connected to power supply
  3. Verify that the print cooling fan is connected to D9
  4. Connect heat bed to D8
  5. Connect the extruder heater to D10

First Motion Procedure

  1. Plug in one motor at a time. Turn off power between plugging in motors, and hit reset immediately if motion is incorrect.
  2. Plug in the X motor. Plug in the X endstop with green facing right. Note that all the endstop plugs have green facing right.
  3. Move the x axis manually to observe if the axis hits the end stop. The end stop should light up.
  4. Move the axis back away, and hit Home X in Cura.
  5. If anything goes wrong, hit the reset button.
  6. To correct direction of motion, reverse the plug on the RAMPS
  7. Label the RAMPS plug with the wire color that is at the top of the RAMPS board. This will assure correct orientation of the plug if it is unplugged later.
  8. Connect the Y Left axis.
  9. Move Y left slightly to see if it moves properly. Reverse the plug if it doesn't. If there's an issue - check 3 things: check connection, wire order, or reverse the plug on RAMPS.
  10. Disconnect Y Left and label with the wire color that is on top.
  11. Connect Y Right - see if Y right moves correctly. Troubleshoot as before.
  12. Once Y right moves correctly - label it as before - and reconnect the Y Left axis
  13. Move the Y axis by hand to make sure it hits the end stop. Hold one hand on the reset button - then home Y in Cura - and reset if anything goes wrong. Troubleshoot as needed.
  14. Now validate the z axes, one at a time, in the same fashion as the Y axes. Plug in the Z probe with green facing right. Note that Z Up means bed going down.
  15. Verify that the Z probe is approximately 4 mm below the tip of the nozzle.
  16. Trigger the Z probe with a metal object to verify that it triggers properly - red light on top of it will light up when triggered
  17. Once both Z axes are verified for correct motion one at a time and their plugs labeled for correct orientation - home the Z axis. Make sure you move the axes so the probe is over the print bed.
  18. Once the Z homes properly, move on to the heating portion.


  • If motor chatters instead of moving, verify that all 4 pins of the stepper motor Dupont connector are inserted onto the motor headers
  • If motor chatters instead of moving, verify that the wiring order is the same on the stepper and the RAMPS connection


Once all motion has been verified, it's time for the extruder and heatbed.

  1. Plug in the extruder and heat bed thermistors.
  2. Heat the extruder to 210C
  3. Heat the bed to 50C
  4. Home Z with Z probe over the bed
  5. Observe the height of the extruder tip over the bed at which the Z probe triggers
  6. Input that under the Control menu on the LCS at Z Probe offset. Select the height value - as a NEGATIVE number -in units of millimeters
  7. Run Cube test print.
  8. If print is satisfactory - the bottom layer will be smooth after print is finished. That marks the correct Z probe offset.
  9. If print started too low on the bed - reduce the negative value.
  10. If print started too high on the bed - increase the negative value.


  1. Do a