D3D Pro v23.12 Troubleshooting and Repair
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Print & Maintenance Log
2024/06/26 | 11:23pm
- Pen Case - Trying old print settings to see if recent changes are the cause of the print failures. Removed large clog at start of print (likely from previous print). Used the top of the extruder stepper motor for leverage when using pliers to remove clogged filament. Failed - underextrusion @ ~25mm up.
2024/06/25 | 11:11pm
- Failed - Lost Z Steps
2024/06/25 | 11:07pm
- Pen Case - Homing failed
2024/06/25 | 3:29am
- Pen Case - Failed - underextrusion (?)
2024/06/25 | 2:58am
- Pen Case - good start (?). Paused for filament strip. Am I printing too fast? Good again after pause. Nevermind - failed on filament stripping.
2024/06/25 | 2:52am
- Pen Case - Failed - Z randomly losing steps during initial heatup.
2024/06/25 | 2:21am
- Pen Case - Failed - Z offset too high.
2024/06/25 | 2:05am
- Failed - stripping. Recaptured bed mesh
2024/06/25 | 1:59am
- Failed - stripping. Adjusted Z offset.
2024/06/25 | 1:58am
- Failed - Y axis skewed.
2024/06/25 | 1:55am
- Failed - X homing. Endstop rotated and was angled too low.
2024/06/25 | 1:20am
- Bj. S. P. 2 - Paused at start for stripped filament. Failure - stripping, bed leveling(?)
2024/06/25 | 1:13am
- Bj. S. P. 2 - 0.2mm layers - Failed - nozzle too close to bed. Forgot to set correct Z offset and save to EEPROM (again).
2024/06/25 | 1:11am
- Bj. S. P. 2 - Moved to 0.2mm layer heights from 0.3mm to reduce throughput. Failed - probing.
2024/06/24 | 11:49pm
- Bj. S. P. 2 - Failed - nozzle too close to bed - filament stripped. I forgot to save the previous bed offset; live adjusted Z to compensate and attempt recovery. X axis belt clamp is too low - damaging prints. Failure - Bed adhesion, underextrusion, filament stripping.
2024/06/24 | 11:46pm
- Blackjack Shoe Plate 2 - probing failed, bed misaligned
2024/06/24 | 11:43pm
- Failure to heat bed - M112 error
2024/06/24 | 11:38pm
- R.T.T.P. - turned off linear advance @ ~10% - Print looking okay at 60% - some underextrusion early on. Print successful! Horizontal artiface appears in a repeating pattern every 7mm. (Primarily cosmetic issue). Printed this model in incorrect orientation
2024/06/24 | 11:11pm
- R.T.T.P. - Paused @ skirt for stripped filament. Failed @ 5-10%. Stripped filament
2024/06/24 | 11:08pm
- R.T.T.P. - Speed too high? Seemingly exceeding max volumetric flow rate. Failed - underextrusion
2024/06/24 | 10:45pm
- Ringing tower test print - Cancelled - Forgot to adjust min. layer time
2024/06/24 | 10:24pm
- Ringing tower test print - Cancelled - Print speeds not high enough - Polymaker PLA Black