D3D Universal Future Work
Deeped rear side screw hole in main extruder printed piece so it can accept 18 mm, not 8 mm bolt.
- Simplify to monolithic parts instead of clamshells for the idler, motor, and carriage sides of Universal Axis
- Include sensorless endstops
- Collect data on lifetime and maintenance requirements
- Document plotter, cnc drill, vinyl cutter, and laser cutter operations
- 3D print the bushings, belts, and pulleys
- Design open source stepper motors
- Design a CNC-millable version of the RAMPS board and Arduino Mega
- Balanced X axis, where the carriage is attached to the Z axis, and the toolhead is mounted to the idler piece. This balances the motor side stepper with the idler side stepper (extruder).
- Automated Toolchanger?