D3D v18.08 Quality Control
Main issues:
- Nozzle not flat to heater block
- Heat break not tight against nozzle - nozzle not tightened
- Heat break not tightened by hand into heat sink and heater block touching plastic
- Teflon tube not bottomed in extruder
- Magnets slowing down cooling motor
- 161.3 steps per revolution - 100 used instead
- Nozzle size incorrect (.4, not .5)
Z height
- Nozzle on bed, extruder clogged
- Calibration done with cold bed, slightly off
- Platform slanted
- Belt plug in wrong hole
- X axis tightened before mounting on Y axes
- Motor shafts touching frame, stalling
- Balls knocked out of linear bearing
- Set screws not tight on sprocket
- Sprocket not at the correct position on shaft
- Belt not around motor pulley, but around plastic of motor piece
- Z axis holes not lined up
- Edges not welded touching one another
- Corners of sides not lined up
- Unplugged with motors energized
- Plugs misconnected (3 of 4 pins on)
- Faulty Arduino (2)
- Faulty RAMPS (2)
- Faulty screen (2)