D3D v20.04 BOM Optimization

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3D Printed Universal Axis Pieces Simplification

This applies to Pro, Pro 2, and Pro 3.


Wiring 1

  • Check.png. 7 cents for M-M dupont wire - [1]. 3 cents from Aliexpress - [2]
    • Compare to ferruled Cat 5 22 ga wire - but that wire needs ferrules so labor is more.
  • Need 2 for signal to SSR
  • Questions - does wire work for 24V power supply?

Wiring 2

  • Check.png5V takeoff from Aux to feed into 5V for SSR. Instead of strip+ferrule of 2 wires, use M-F Dupont wire?
    • 3 cents from Aliexpres as above
