DIY Solar Concentrator
From Open Source Ecology
Existing Open Source Designs
OSE France's Design
Parabolic Tube
- But this requires replacement of insides with a u- copper tube, which is a valiant effort. Tbis is because evacuated tubes have a closed heat exchanger mechanism - a closed copper tube with heat exchanger bulb.
- Unless one can find low cost u-tube heat exchangers, the evacuated system appears to be too complicated compared to plain black tubes.
- Does not appear highly relevant to saturated water storage.
- $25 per 6 foot evacuated Tube, no inner tube - water directly in glass? - [1] - affordable.
- Max T that a metal can get when in full sun in 90C - see nice explanation at [2] combined with Stefan Boltzmann constant - [3]
- So we see that the max temp in K varies as the 4th root of power density hitting the object. For example, to double the temp in K, need 16x solar concentration.
- 90C = 363K. Double to 726K - max 450C.
- At this point, conduction and convection play a good role.
- We need T to be 1.3x this
- We need 482K, or 1.33x this K
- 1.33^4 = 3.1 - so only 3x concentration is needed if there were no other losses
- Convective loss calculator - [4]
- Paper on Medium Temperature Concentrators - overview for tech up to 250C. We need 200C for saturated water. [5]