DVD Wanted List
This is a task list of items that are sought by January 15, 2012, for the physical copy of the Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01. Please put a note next to the item in red if you are doing this and the date expected to be finished. Please put a when you are done.
- On the CEB press, we have a full 20 clip repository of raw footage on YouTube. Request - Editing the 20 clips into a video on the etching procedure and surface mounting of components for the CEB Solenoid Driver Board - put is in the fabrication procedure here when done. Blue Background and Rockwell font are the OSE standard. Use Media Assets
- Movable trailer for CEB - Sweiger Shop will produce it.
- Movable Trailer - video and CAD - planned for mid January. Marcin will video the trailer.
Link: Remake of the CEB animation - http://www.youtube.com/v/zoPq639C4CA&hl=en&fs=1 - where hopper is directly above the compression chamber - with CEB press STEP file Cicnos?
- Animation script for overall GVCS Product Ecologies
- Actual animation from Animation Script - clever way to explain the entire set.
Collate http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Soil_Pulverizer_-_Fabrication_Drawings into a PDF file
CAE Tasks:
- Determining the shear limit of a 3/4" grade 8 bolt holding the wheel in place. This would involve 3 points of failure: the shearing of the bolt (simple pin-through with metal lock nut); ripping of the 3/4" bolt hole through the cold-rolled steel shaft; ripping of the reinforced collar holding the wheel. Test for maximum safe torque with a safety factor resulting in 30 years of continuous operation (equivalent to 8 hours per day for 100 years).
- Determining the wheel mounting strategy (multiple bolts, key, or spline that would achieve the above lifetime). If practical considerations require replacement as the only lifetime design option, that may be the outcome.
- Test for maximum weight bearing capacity of 1-7/8" shaft based on wheel geometry of Quick Attach Wheel
- Test of weight bearing capacity of Quick Attach Wheels system
- Weight holding capacity of frame assuming point load on 2 upper horizongal long members for a deflection of 1/2" or until bolt failure, whichever is earlier.
- Shock absorbing capacity of frame using Grade 2 bolts prior to bolt shearing, and same with Grade 5 and 8 bolts. This is used to determine if Grade 2 bolts are satisfactory for lifetime design.
- Scaling frame 2x to determine weight bearing capacity of tractor with a larger frame. This is used to determine whether the tractor can be weighed down with concrete or other weights, hile being scaled to about 10x16 feet - or the size required for a bulldozer of 20,000 lb minimum weight.
- Using 2.5" bearings, determining the maximum weight bearing capacity for a jack-shaft drive system, 4 wheel drive, for a bulldozer - using all-steel wheels like in old steam traction engines from about 100 years ago.