Darren Doherty Discussion
Jun 9, 2015
http://www.regrarians.org/services/farm-design-process/ - design process. Recorded sessions etc. https://www.sensefly.com/drones/ebee-rtk.html used to do [1]. Lower cost opiton - [2].
Create a closed group on FB - professional dev type group. Only for people who meet personally. Build rapport. Then can transition to an open forum. Pass this [3] by Stefano, and advertise Darren's participation.
Jun 6, 2015
- http://www.swiftnav.com/piksi.html
- Georgi Pavlov brothers on Human Designs - [4]
- Using Cinema 4D Isometric, Cryengine 'e-on VUE’
- Earthworks swales - Army Corps + Yeomans
- Sepp Earthworks (Book - Desert or Paradise) - takes Yeomans + Army Corps + ?
- Darren toured Sepp's place, 2007
- For large flat areas - 10-20 meters from body is microclimate -
- Sepp's design process is lacking - back of envelope + on the run. Expensive.
- Darren considers his work in engineering space.
- Some of Sepp's is not necessary - where are they necessary and not?
- Clarify what is "REGENERATIVE" - we are using a Moniker (Regen Ag) without questioning what it is.
- 90 min sessions - 4 sessions, with 2 half hour sessions, hour for lunch - 9 to 5:30 affair,
- Day 2 is geography layer
- Day 3 is geography - Earth Works is afternoon - that is water layer
- Day 4 - earth. Protocols for establishing carbon mappinng are too long - screen presentation of how you get a scientifically verifiable carbon map, to be tracked over time.
- Official protocol for carbon mapping - [5]. Also [6]
- Allan - Yeoman's plow guy - [7]
- Heat element + blower at 560F - and there is your carbon difference
- Scientifically verifiable monitoring protocols
- Peter Traverse - main person - in carbon - https://plus.google.com/photos/117745392570544689225/albums/6021563002126298289?banner=pwa - fractalfarming@gmail.com
- Irrelevant centralis stuff -
- Number one metric - financial accounting + ecosystem monitoring; great metaphor
- Keep carbon mapping - introduce that this carbon should be monitoring.
- Day 4 morn - clean up monitoring vs baseline
- The Farming Ladder - [8] - George Henderson The Farming Ladder (1943)
- Andro Linklater - [9]
- Integrated Product Service Systems - bokashi + bone + char + minerals (offal). Bone charring process.
- David Holmgren lives one hour away - [10]
- Mobile Meat Processing Unit - open source it is - working with Darren
- http://www.hokunui.com/ -
- Aquaponics + living machines -