David Bassetti
From Open Source Ecology
- Interview -
- Can extract with auger extruder
- Designs grinder to the extruder
- Really super charming to grind and
- 1 grinder for 3 3D printers.
- Coca cola bottles - work.
- Beach cleanup to printing - if no sand no salt from beach
- https://mahor.xyz/ - Leone in Spain
- Flow within 80 mm - need 1.5 mm flake
- Making a system based around a PET bottle.
- 320C for PET. 340C It is much higher
- Basic machine is 1 mm nozzle
- Companies are coming to them saying we need faster print.
- Needs a lot of cooling - for
- PETg - we're not touching it. We're selling a system that grinds and makes prints.
- Plastic is designed to be recycled. But recycling is after trash, recycling, sorting, etc - get rid of this.
- We grind it, we print - huge charm
- 3D Printing has been available for the last 4 years. Now it's the next level - DIY level.
- We're critical on what bottles go through. Lot of PET bottles have a lot of plasticizer. Different plasticizer in water bottle vs 1 l bottle.
- Deposition rate per hour?
- Here is different densities of material. 1.2 - 1.8 mm particles. 1 mm nozzle extrudes 1.2 or 1.4 mm
- 16 mm/sec - about 16 mm/sec speed. Bracelet is 6 minutes.
- 1000 cubic mm/min. 1 cubic cm/min. 60 cubic cm/hr. 1440 cubic cm/day.
- Plans are open source.