Dry Ice Blasting

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  • A Cleaning Process that is Similar to Media Blasting but it uses Solid Carbon Dioxide (Often known as Dry Ice ) as the media
  • Rather than relying largely on Abrasion with a mild benefit from the Impact Action, it relies largely on the Impact, the Flash Freezing of Surface Contamination, and the Gas Produced by the Dry Ice Expanding
  • Thus in most cases, and when used properly the process can be very agressive towards Grease, Dirt, and even mild Surface Rust (and on more aggesive settings Paint etc), yet leave the underlying material untouched
  • Even Cables can be Cleaned
  • Solid Waste is reduced/eliminated depending on the surface being cleaned due to the Media sublimating to gas leading only the Dust/Rust/Grease Powder to be Dealt With'
  • No other Solvents are used which also reduces things such as VOC emmission risk, and HAZMAT
  • The Main Disadvantages Are
    • Cost (Machines are 25-100k USD (Including the Dry Ice Blasting Machine Itself, but also the required High Flow High Pressure Air Compressor) OTS which is FAR more than Cleaning By Hand, or even High Pressure Water Cleaning (Even a commercial heated high pressure and flow machine), or Steam Cleaning in terms of Initial Investment
      • Need to determine the Electricity+Dry Ice Costs once that is payed off however, also Labor Savings + Overall Quality are a more nebulous aspect to take into account
    • Unique Hazards
      • The 800x Expansion (Double Check Figure) From Solid to Gas Produces Copius Ammounts of Carbon Dioxide. This can present problems when used in Confined Spaces as well as require a well ventilated workspace
        • Unlike Argon or Nitrogen (which are also Asphxiation Hazards]] ), Carbon Dioxide is Far Heavier than Air, and will thus "pool up" in lower areas such as Vehicle Inspection Pits etc
        • This also means if one Falls Down in the process of Loosing Contiousness, they may eneter an even more concentrated zone, making recovery more difficult
      • Main solution is ventilation, training workers on this safety risk, and potentially even carying Gas Monitors (Although fortunately, unlike Argon and Nitrogen, the human body can Sense Carbon Dioxide Concentrations)
      • Temperature
        • Due to the Temperature of Dry Ice, Frostbite type Injuries can happen

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