Electric Car Charger
- A Special "Wall Outlet", cord, and socket for charging Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrids
Existing Open Source Designs
- Open EVSE
- Smart EVSE
Internal Links
External Links
- The Wikipedia Page on Electric Vehicle Chargers (Maybe rename + move page accordingly?) (Need to check search results for names of each)
- A Video by the YouTube Channel "Technology Connections" Titled "Electric car chargers aren't chargers at all – EVSE Explained"
- Mentions the term "Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment" which is for "Level 2 AC Charging in North America", also known as "Slow At Home/At The Office Charging", not "DC Fast Charging
- A Video by the YouTube Channel "Wendover Productions" Titled "The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem" (It goes over Redundancy Waste in charger standards) (Also goes over how government standardization in Europe is largely why their charge infrastructure is much better) (Also how tesla went to the non-proprietary standard there with the government pressure...)